Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/59

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Great Falls, Montana, and Boise, Idaho

Boise is surrounded by a number of rich gold and silver mines, and a great fruit country, made productive by irrigation, with an agreeable, healthy and bracing climate. Here is located the United States government post, the State penitentiary, and the most magnificent Natatorium anywhere in the west. While I was here, the legislature being in session, the representatives of Idaho extended an invitation to the law-makers of the State of Utah to visit them; they accepted, and came up in a special car, remaining over one day. Among other amusements a grand reception was given at the Natatorium. The water having been drawn from the big plunge, a false floor, supported by studding was fitted in the plunge, bringing it to a level, and it was then used for a dancing pavilion. It was a beautiful sight to go through the re-