Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/73

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Western Montana

on account of the tribe of Flathead Indians that inhabit it. This was an interesting ride to me. I viewed the continuous bands of horses and cattle, besides a large herd of buffalo, and Indians on horse back, riding around us in all directions. At times we could not see any of them; then in a few moments they would come after us at a break-neck pace, their rifles hanging at their ponies' saddles, and with their war whoops encircling us, to their amusement, but it did not bother us old-timers. This was a jolly ride, though a hot and dusty one. There were eleven passengers and all hungry when we reached Selish. I never shall forget how good the dinner did taste as it had been only the fourth meal I had that day. Stopping over night, I took the train the next morning for The Garden City of the State, Missoula.