Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/105

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Thus, Sana, Domine, oculos hominis istius .... sicut sanasti oculos Tobias 'sancti, et sicut aperaisti oculos duorum cecorum

93. A prayer in Latin, and, as it seems, on consecration of a church.

94. If a horse be sprained (?), then shalt thou say these words; Naborredus[1] a unde venisti; three times: credidi propter; three times: A and 12: beginning and end: and so on.

95. For churnel.

Nine were NoSSes sisters, then the nine came to be eight, and the eight seven, and the seven six, and the six five, and the five four, and the four three, and the three two, and the two one, and the one none. This may be medicine for thee from churnel and from scrofula and from worm, and from every mischief. Sing also the Benedicite nine times.

96. This is valid for a horse which hath corns on his feet.

Some words, partly Latin.

  1. This seems to be the Nabonnedus of Berosus, in whose reign Babylon was taken by Cyrus. Berosus is quoted by Iosephus.