Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/113

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107. Work a lung salve thus; take costmary and southernwood, hillwort, garcliff, beet, which is one stalked.

108. Against fever, take a snail, and purify him, and take the clean foam, mingle it with womans milk, give it the man to eat; it will be well with him.

109. For erysipelas on man and horse, sing this thrice nine times, at even and of a morning, upon the mans head, and in the horses left ear, in runningwater, and turn his head against the stream. The ivords as in the text.

110. For erysipelas, take a green yard or stick and make the man sit in the middle of the floor of the house, and make a stroke round about him, and say; the ivords ccs in the text.

111. A king was hight Arestolobius, he was wise and good at leechcraft, he arranged also a good morning drink against all infirmities, which stir throughout mans body, within or without; the drink is good for head ache and for giddiness and fever of the brain, for a flowing armpit, for lung disease and liver wark, fcr flowing gall and the yellow disease, for dimness of eyes, for singing in the ears, and defective hearing, and for heaviness of the breast and puffing of the visceral cavity, for pain of milt and of small guts, for unhealthy fsecal discharge, and in case a man is not able to pass water, against the ache of the "dry" disease and spasm of sinews, against knee wark, and foot swelling, for elephantiasis, and for other itchingblotches, and spasms of the " dry " disease, and every poison, for every infirmity and every temptation of the fiend. Work thyself dust enough in harvest and