Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/63

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down forty libcorns, then put them along with the worts, let them stand for three nights, give to be drunk before sunrise a little cup full, that the drink may be the sooner evacuated.

20. A third purgative drink; boil sedge and the nether ward part of gladden in sour ale, then strain, lay them again in new ale, let them be in it one night, administer to drink.

21. Work a spew drink thus; boil a cucumber in water, let it boil long, then strain a half bowl, rub down a hundred libcorns into the drink.

22. Work another out of beer and out of forty libcorns, put in seventeen peppercorns if thou will.

23. A spew drink; put into beer or wine, fennel, let it stand one night, administer it to be drunk. Work thus a salve for head wark and for joint pain and for eye wark and for a wen and for the " dry" rot disease; take helenium and radish, wormwood and bishop wort, cropleek, garlic, and radix cava, of all equal quantities, pound them, boil them in butter and celandine and red nettle; put them into a brazen vessel, leave it therein till it be turned colour, strain through a cloth, smear the head with it, and the limbs where it is sore. For side wark, betony, bishopwort, helenium, radish, dock, that namely which will swim, marrubium, groundsel, cropleek, garlic, rue, hindhe&l, lupin, liovehound, seethe these in butter, smear the sides therewith, it will be well with the man.

24. Work a gruel for lung disease thus; boil in butter these worts above mentioned, and scrape them small, boil the cropleek first for a while, then put in the radish and helenium and barley meal, and plenty of white salt, boil long and let the man eat it hot. Work another thus; boil in butter githrife, attorlothe, betony, mingle all together; subsequently put over a fire.