Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/76

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fleoh þu nu attorlaðe ·
seo læsse ða maran ·
seo mare þa læssan
oððæt him beigra bot sy
gemyne þu mægðe ·
hwæt þu ameldodest
hwæt ðu geændadest &midot;
æt alorforda.
ꝥ næfre for gefloge
feorh ne gesealde
syþðan him mon mægðan
to mete gegyrede.
þis is seo wyrt ðe
wergulu hatte ·
ðas onsænde seolh[1]
ofer sæs hrygc
ondan attres
oþres to bote.
ðas .VIIII. ongan
wið nygon attrum
fol. 161 b.✠ wyrm com snican
to slat he nan ·[2]
ða genam woden ·
VIIII. wuldor tanas
sloh ða þa næddran
ꝥ heo on VIIII. tofleah
þær geændade æppel
& attor ꝥ heo næfre
ne wolde on hus bugan
✠ fille & finule[3]
fela mihtigu twa
þa wyrte gesceop

witig drihten

  1. Obscure.
  2. Read man.
  3. So MS.