Page:Left to Themselves (1891).djvu/144

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From an Old Scrap-book.



IN The New York Tribune of September —, 188–, appeared an article of interest to the readers of this narration. And here is a portion of it:

". . . All facts as to the loss of the steamer Old Province, the absorbing subject of public attention since last week, seem gathered now from the various sources available. Captain Widgins, Mr. A. Y. Arrowsmith, the mate, and several others of the crew and of the boatload last to leave the ill-fated vessel and make Knoxport Cove, have been repeatedly interviewed without developing any facts not already made known. The steamer lies in a considerable depth of water. The question of raising her is under consideration. Cargo and baggage are almost a total loss.

"It is now certain that the mysterious explosion in the hold, which caused the leak and disabled the vessel with its terrific shock, was