Page:Left to Themselves (1891).djvu/269

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Left to Themselves.

have done credit to any player on the boards. The tones of voice, the looks, gestures, were alike highly artistic.

Mr. Banger described. He had not talked with Mr. Jennison often; but he had respect for that gentleman's supposed knowledge of the world, though he was inclined to suspect that it took in a peculiarly shady side of it. He liked Mr. Jennison; but he did not altogether understand him.

"Really, they might—they might be a pair of young impostors after all," laughed Mr. Jennison. "It's one way to get half a week's board out of you, you see, unless you've got your money or unless their story is backed."

Mr. Banger fidgeted.

"That has occurred to me, sir. This uncommon delay—"

"Well, I hope not. I'll be coming back from my friend's to-morrow morning, and you can tell me if any thing turns up then. It may be they are not what they profess in this sensation story; and they may give you the slip. I certainly do recall something about that name, Philip, and about such a pair of lads. Don't say any thing, though. Remember that, please."