Page:Left to Themselves (1891).djvu/310

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After Many Days.

"O, plenty of people—all the world, pretty much! You know that. Even your mother's old friend, Mr. Marcy, never liked to talk much about the question, eh?" The blood rose in Philip's face. "But no matter. All the world who do think he had a hand in it have been wrong; and now you and I will just set them right forever—if you say so."

"What do you mean? How can you or I? Tell me what you are keeping back."

The lad forgot his aversion in a passionate curiosity. He leaned forward eagerly.

"Touchtone, your father had an enemy in the bank. I dare say he knew it afterward; possibly he told you so. His name was Sixmith."

"Sixmith, the janitor. Yes; go on."

"Sixmith kept his feelings to himself. He was a sly creature, Touchtone, and he had what some people will tell you I have—a black heart. Only I haven't, according to some black hearts I've met. Well, he was bent on revenge and on doing your father a bad turn. I forget what 'twas all for; I believe your father had interfered in his family to protect his wife. He drank. Well, Sixmith came in with Laverack. I managed it, and, in fact, I