Page:Left to Themselves (1891).djvu/320

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Present and Future.

and smiled, and then grew grave as they recalled the suspense that they had felt, that ended in the dramatic scene under its green roof. Joe has an interest in the hotel now, and he has married a niece of Mr. Banger, into the bargain.

Once upon a time there was a great day for the Probascos—when the two arrived at Chantico Island. Expecting them had kept the couple at the farm, almost with the inclusion of the sagacious Towzer ("His real name's Jock, you know"), in excitement, for a week before.

"Well, well, it's good to see you both, if you have changed everlastingly!" reiterated Mrs. Probasco. "You're—well, you're real sights to comfort one's eyes, both of you!" she added impartially. They spent an evening in the quaint kitchen and a night in the old room, where Gerald had tossed in his sickness, Philip watching him in lonely anxiety. Obed's rheumatics seem over. He talks more than he did. Philip vows that on this occasion Obed began to tell them again the story of the nautical ancestor and the wary "widow that lived on Cape Ann"—promptly interrupted by