Page:Left to Themselves (1891).djvu/326

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Select List of Books

Published by

Hunt & Eaton, 150 Fifth Ave., New York,
Cranston & Stowe,
190 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati.

Reuben. <A Princa in Disguise. By Carlisle B. Holding. TRG. 2. aoe eee cee ener ence ceed ane eeee ere es

Author of Cash, Pater the Preacher, ete.

Gold, Tinsel, and Trash. Stories of Country and City. By Erasmus W. Sones. 12m0......ssneccntecesneeescanserers

Gems Without Polish. A Story of the Country Week. By

Alice May Douglass, 12m0.,....0c00---reer rere raneereceee

A story showing the benefit, moraliy and physically, of the “Fresh Air’? movement.

Shoulder Arms3 or, The Boys of Wild Lake School. By John

Preston True, i2mo, caer stenoses

We heartily commend Shoulder Arma to young readers—

boys and girls alike—confident that its reading will leave a

permanent impression for good. The volume is handsomely

printed and illustrated. The tasteful cover design is from the

peneil of the wife of the author, Josten Transcript,

It stimulates the reader to the very last, and yet 1s free from

the taint of cheap sensationalism. Christian Advocate.

Peter the Preacher $ or, Reaping a Hundred-Fold. By Car-

lisle B, Holding, 12m0...........2 2c cece cece eee ee

The author of this striking story tells us that it is improb-

able only in appeurance; that of every incident in the book

a counterpart may be cited in real life, It is-a tale of the call

to the ministry of a young man, and of his strange adventures

in beginning his life-work aniong the rough men of a Western

. town. Itisasound, wholesome story, and may be an inspiration

tosome who are trying to make the best of both worlds. — Sunday-School Banner.

Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock. By Edward A. Rand. 12mo, [Bllustrated... 2... 2. sce e een eee e teen eeean The readera of the dutelligencer have slready enjoyed a part of this book in reading the story of Nurse Frye, published some years ago in this paper, Thé present tale includes that of the nurse as an incidental part. But it is different in its main details and general purpose. It gives among ita incidents some stirring scenes of the Civil War, and brings out the grand lesson that it is manly and brave to “take sides’’ in matters of great importance to character. The honest, temperate, and God-fearing are shown to be on the mght side always. The story is full of interest, and will strengthen any young reader in s determination to stand up for the truth.—/aeddigencer.


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