Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/100

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6 SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. BARGAINS. For this number Mr. Soule can offer special bargains in second-hand Reports, etc., at strictly nc^ prices, as follows : — American Reports. United States Supreme Court Reports ; Curtis's Decisions, 22 vols.; Howard, vols. 18 to 24; Black, 2 vols.; Wallace, 23 vols. ; Otto, 17 vols. ; U. S., vols. 108 to 120 $125.00 United States Digest, last and best edition, 31 vols 75.00 United States Digest, original edition to 1875 (mainly Annuals), 36 vols -36.00 United States Statutes, complete, 24 vols 75.00 Massachusetts Reports, best edition, 144 vols 210.00 Rhode Island Reports, complete, 14 vols 65.00 Wisconsin Reports, complete, 70 vols 150.00 Missouri Reports, complete, 89 vols. 310.00 The Federal Reporter, complete, 31 vols., and Digest, 2 vols. . 110.00 Patent Office Reports, 55 vols , doth ) ^, , Fisher's Patent Cases, 6 vols., sheep 'SO 00 American Law Register, New Series, 25 vols., and Digest . . 55.00 Amf.rican Law Review, 20 vols 40.00 The Reporter, 20 vols,, and Digest 40.00 English Reports and Reprints. English Common Law Reports, 118 vols., and 3 vols, of Index, complete, best edition $200.00 English Chancery Reports, 69 vols., complete, best edition . . 15000 English Chancery Reports, 43 vols.; first 13 condensed . . . 50.00 English Law and Equity Reports, 40 vols., complete .... 30.00 Howell's State Trials, 34 vols., complete, fine set 120.00 Weekly Reporter, 34 vols., complete to 18S5 175.00 The Law Journal i^eports, both series, complete to 1886; 64 vols, bound in 170 vols 450.00 The Jurist, 55 vols., complete 110.00 The English Statutes to 1776, 10 vols., folio 25.00 Jacob's Fisher's Digest, 9 vols i 5 00 Charles Sumner's Edition of Vesey, Junior, 20 vols 40.00 CONTRIBUTORS TO PERIODICALS. It is interesting to glance over the '"Index to Authors of Articles" in JoNF.s's Indicx to Legal Periodical.s, and note the names therein gathered. Irving Browne, the talented editor of the " Albany Law Journal," easily leads the list as the author of 228 articles. The late Judge Isaac F. Redfield comes second with 113. Among those credited with over fifty articles are Hon. Edmund H. Bennett, Robert Desty, Prof. M. D. Ewell, George Harris, James M. Kerr, John D. Lawson, W. W. Thornton, Hon. Seymour D. Thompson, and Dr. Francis Whar- ton. Other authors who have been industrious contributors are O. W. Aldrich, Sheldon Amos, M. M. Bigelow, Joel P. Bishop, H. C. Black, O. F. Bump, William Archer Gocke, Hon. William F. Cooper, E W. Cox, Hon. John F. Dillon, Prof. Theodore W. Dwight, David Dudley Field, Leonard A. Jones, Adelbert Hainilton, Hon. O. W. Holmes, Jr., Hon. Samuel F. Miller, James T. Mitchell, the two IVIurfrees, Hon. James O. Peirce, Frederic Pollock, Flenry Wade Rogers, James H. Stewart, Joseph Story, and Hon. Emory Washburn. Other well-known legal authors and lawyers like the Alibotts (Austin and B. V.), J. P Benjamin, W. M. Best, R. H. Dana, A. V. Dicey, W. G. Hammond, F. F. Heard, E. O. Keasbey, N. C. Moak, Theophilus Parsons, the Biddies and Rawles of Philadelphia, James Schouler, and H. G. Wood, are also found here, with fewer articles attributed to them ; but who would look in this list for the authors in general literature ? Yet here are found the names of Edward Everett, Henry George, T. W. Higginson, W. D. Howells, Henry James, Charles Lamb, Francis Lieber, the Marquis of Lorne, Francis Parkman, James Parton, Sir Lyon Playfair, De Tocqueville, A. W. Tourgee, and Anthony Trollope. And here also are statesmen and politicians, — Jere. S. Black, Jainea G. Blaine, Benj:imin F. Butler, Caleb Gushing, George F. Edmunds, James A. Garfield, George F. Hoar, Wendell Phillips, Carl Schurz, Charles Sumner, Lyman Trumbull, and Daniel Webster. These latter are probably authors of constitutional, semi-political, or biographical articles. But their names show what a wide range Mr. Jones has taken in his indexing. RECENT LAW BOOKS. The list below includes the new law books published in this country since September, with a few others, previously published, which were acci- dentally omitted from the list in Legal Bihliographv, No. 9: — Abbott, Austin. Forms of Code Practice and Pleading. Vol. i. $6.50. American and English Encyclopasdia of Law. 3 vols, now ready. Per vol., $6.00 American Criminal Reports. Vol.6. (Anarchists' Case.) $600 Anson on Contracts. 2d ed., by J. C. Knowlton. $3.50 net. Armes, C. H. Cases summarily disposed of, on motion, in United States Supreme Court. $3.00 neL Baker, John F., on Sales. $5.00 /;ef. j Beach, Charles F., on Receivers. $6.50 net. I Berryman, J. R. Insurance Digest (Continuation of Sansum). $7 50 net j Bispham, G. T. Principles of Equity. 4th ed. $6.00. Blackstone, Comic. A' Beckett. New ed., illustrated in colors. Cloth. $3.00 //r/. Bonynge, R. W., and Ward, E. C. Fifteen Hundred Questions Answered. Half sheep. $2.00 nel. Campbell, E. L. Science of Law. Cloth, $2.50 nef ; sheep, $3.00 net. Chitty's Equity Digest. Vol. 5. 8vo. Sheep or half calf. $'& oo net. Croswell, S. G. Collection of Patent Cases. i2mo. $3.00 «c'/. Desty, R. Removal of Causes. 2d ed. $3.00 net. Dole, E. P. Talks about Law. i2mo. $2.50 net. Ewell, M. D. Medical Jurisprudence. Leatherette, $2.50 net ; sheep, $3.00 7iet. Goodeve, T. M. Patent Cases. Vol. 2. $8.00 net. Harris, George E., on Contracts by Married Women. Edited by J. C. Knowl- ton. $6.00 net. Hochheimer, Lewis, on Custody of Infants. $3.50 net. Jacobs, M. W., on the Law of Domicil. $5.00 net. Knapp, C. D., on Partition of Real and Personal Property. $6.00 net. Knobloch, A. F. Digest of Criminal Cases in the Louisiana Reports. $8.00 net. Lewis, E. N., on the Law of Shipping. Toronto. $5.00 net. Lowndes, Richard. General Average. 4th ed. London. Half calf. $9 00 net. May on Fraudulent Conveyances. London. $7.50 net. McCrary, G. W., on Elections. 3d ed. $6.00. McGrath, R. H., Jr., on the Doctrine of Cy Pres, applied to Charities. $i.oc }!ef. Mills, H. E. Eminent Domain. 2d ed. $5.00 net. Morrill, W. W., on City Negligence. 8vo. $3.50 net. Morris, R., on Patents Conveyancing. London. Cloth. 8vo. $7.50 net Newmark, Nathan, on Sales. i2mo. $3 00 net. Odgers, W. B., on Slander and Libel. London. Cloth. $g 00 net. Pollock, F. Digest of Partnershij). 4th ed. London. Cloth. $3.50 net. Pomeroy, John N., on Riparian Rights- $4.00 Jiet. Price, BenJ., and Stewart, A. American Trade-Mark Cases. (Supplement to Co.v's Trade-Mark Cases.) $7.50 net. f Rawle, W. H., on Covenants for Title. 5th ed. $6.00. I Schouler, James, on Bailments. 2d ed. $6 00. I Scrutton on Contract of Affreightment, as expressed in Charter-Parties and I Bills of Lading. London. Cloth. $4.50 net. [ Shearwood, J. A. Introduction to Principles of Equity. London. Cloth $1.50 w?. Smith's Mercantile Law. Pomeroy's edition. i2mo. $^00 net. Spear, S. T., on Extradition. 3d ed. $6.00. Supplement to Massachusetts Digest. Vol. 4. $4 00 net. Thomas, A. C , on Mortgages. $6.50 net. Thornton, W. W., on Juries, etc. $6.00 net. Throop, Montgomery H. Massachusetts Digest. 2 vols. $1200 Met. Tucker, George F. Manual of Mercantile and Manufacturing Corporations in Mass.achusetts. izmo. Cloth, $2.75 ,• sheep, $3.00 w^/'. Wait's Actions and Defences. Supplement. Vol. 8. $6.50. Works, John D., on Removal of Causes to Federal Courts. i2mo. $1.00 net. An Excellent History of the United States. — Whoever has Ban- croft's History to 1783 ought certainly to get, as a supplement and con- tinuation, Mr. Schouler's very graphic and interesting " History of the United States under the Constitution." He is sound and thorough and trustworthy as an historian, as he is in legal authorship ; and he de- scribes not only the dry facts of politics, but all the diverse elements which entered into the daily life and character of our forefathers. THE LEADING LAW BOOK OF 1887. It is not too much to claim that Schouler on Wills was the most successful legal publication brought out last year. As a purely American treatise on so important a subject, brought into the compass of one vol- ume, by a well-known and approved author, it has already had a large sale and taken place as the standard treatise on Wills. Prof. Charles A. Collin, of the Cornell Law School, presents very well the general ver- dict thus : " I have examined it carefully. It is one of those rare books, equally useful in the law school and in the law office. I have had no hesi- tation in adopting it as a text-book here." With Schouler ox Wills and Schouler on Executors on his shelves, the practitioner is prepared for any questions or any that clients may surprise him with.