Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/107

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7^ / Legal Bibliography Published and Distributed Gratuitously at Irregular Intervals, by CHARLES C. SOULE, LAW BOOKSELLER, FREEMAN PLACE CHAPEL, 15^ BEACON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 'No. 11. ^ Mr. Soule, in addition to publishing and importing, I and sells all kinds of law books, old as well as buys { new. 5 Jaiiuaiy, 1889. CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. Australian Ballot System 5 Bargains 7 Chitty's Equity Digest 6 Comic Blackstone 3 Encyclopaedia of Law 8 Fuller, Chief-Justice (Portrait) 5 Green Bag 1,3 Grinnell's Mass. Practice Act 5 Lamar, Mr. Justice (Portrait) 3 Law Schools i Law Students, Books for 4 New Books 3 Notes 6 Publications of C. C. Soule 2 Selden Society 3 Schouler on Executors, second edition ; The Green Bag. In Jamiarv, /88c), will appear the first number of "The Green Bag, a useless but entertaining Maga{ine for Lawyers," edited by Horace W. Fuller, of the Boston Bar. As its name indicates, this periodical will occupy an entirely new field, in aiming to amuse rather than to instruct. It will eschew case law and "practical" articles, but will cultivate everything else, both serious and diverting, which might especially interest the legal profession. Not the least of the attractions of The Green Bag will be its illustrations. The numbers of the first year will contain fine portraits of eminent judges or lawyers, and a series of articles upon the law schools of America, with portraits of their most eminent professors. Among the contents of the January number are articles upon — Chief-Justice Fuller (with full-page portrait). The Harvard Law School, by Louis D. Rrandeis (with views of Dane Hall and Austin Hall, and portraits of Story, Greenleaf, Parsons, Washburn, Parker, and Langdell). Specific Performance of Contracts, by Prof. James Barr Ames. Poem : Front and Rear, by Irving Browne. The Whitechapel Tragedies. Editorial. — Notes; Legal Antiquities ; Facetiae; Reviews and Book Notices. The subscription price of The Green Bag is three dollars per annum, payable in advance. Single numbers, thirty-five cents. Address CHARLES C. SOULE, Publisher, Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. For Circular containing full information, address EDMUND H. BENNETT, Dean, 10 Ashburton Place, Boston. BLOOMINGTON LAW SCHOOL ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. Two years' course. lieL-itation or college system of instruction. Six professors. Two recitations a day. Lectures merely supplemental. Diploma admits to the Bar of Illinois. ¥ov Circulars, address the Dean, K. BI. BENJAMIN, LL.D., Bloomington, 111. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. SCHOOL OF LAW. Two years' course. Five full professors. Large corps of non-resident lecturers. Special advantages to gradu- ate students. For Announcement containing full par- ticulars, address THE SECBETARY OF THE lAW FACILTV, Ithaca , N. Y. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL Tliirty-nintli year begins September 4, li;88. For Cir- culars or special information, address HORACE E. SMITH, EL.D., Dean, Albany, N. Y. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL For Catalogue, addr HENRY AV.DE ROGERS. Dean, Ann Arbor, Mich. LAW DEPARTMENT. STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Course of study extends tbrougU two school years of nine mouths each. Expenses reasonable. Graduation admits to State and Federal Courts. Next annual coarse commences Sept. 12, 1889. For full Announce- ment, or further information, a4dress the Vice-Chan- cellor, ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL. Law Department of Washington University, ST. LOUIS, MO. Annual Session. October to June. Course completed in two or three years, at option of student. Admits to the Bar. Tuition, S80 per annum. For Catalogues, etc , addres.s tlie Dean, WILLIAM G. HAMMOND, 1417 I.ioas Place. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT FOR CASH BY MR. SOULE.