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LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, No. 12. Leading Publications of The Boston Book Co. /"-r-^ r A J „ 73 . ^ An Illustrated Monthlu Magazine to eiitevtahi Laivyers. 1 HK Vjrixil-hLjN JjALt, Thi'ee nollars a Year • single fenrrent) numbers, So cents. Vol. I., handsomely hound in half morocco, $5.00 ; hack numbers, 50 cents. Ri='^T ON EVIDENCE. Chamberlayne'S English,- Scottish, Irish, and Colonial legal journals, down to This very important new book gives a digest of the lawF J^-X - nr> '° articles relating to law and legislation in of all the States and Territories, — something never edition. -^O.UU. ^ ^ the principal literary reviews and magazines. o,80U volumes of before attempted. There is such great and increasing inter- Thi.> one volume admirably emboJics the princii)les of magazines have been examined and indexed by Mr. Jones. course between the States, that there are few lawyers whose the law of Evidence. . The value of this work to lawyers -will be very clients have not some personal or property interests" outside of The learned treatise uf Mr. Best has always occupied a dis- great, especially in tracing out the many excellent their own States. In this volume, for the first time, can be tinctive position, on account of its preference for principles articles supplementing the text-books and thor- found at a glance the statute law of any State upon any over details, of its lucid statements of the law, and of its apt oughly discussing particular point.* of law, which point. Its value to practising lawyers is too evident to require illustrations. The seventh Knglish edition, now reprinted m abound in the back volumes of the leading la%v argument. full, is far superior to all previous editions. journals. Chief-Justice Wmie said: "Its great value becomes In his .merican notes Mr. CHAMBERLAraE has followed the . „ ,, more and more apparent as it is used. Already it intent of the author, and has presented the best cases, gleaned LAWYERS REFERENCE MANUAL. By C. has saved me much time in mv ev<•r^ -<lav wnrk." with great c.ire, from all our State and National jurisdictions. C. SOULIS. Sheep Or half calf ^-4.00. Professor Tuayer, of the Harvard L:i« S. h.M.l, .wii-wing it in For Students, this is tlie most satisfactory book to it comnrispiii'.; hi^yerswho use; for Lawyers, the most tliorough and practical It comprise^ th. following divisions . - prepare a case ^>hi<l. .li r.s any wide way to cover the subject is to get BEST lor the American Reports, State and l<etleral, with notes rangeof argument and illustration, m ill fiiul it pos- PKINCIPLES, and some such book a* Abbott's in reeard to their editions and peculiarities. 04 sible to dispense with this excellent guide." Trial Evidence, or AVood's Practice Evidence, tor mo-p- The Suppiement contains all changes in that part of the laws COPIOUS CITATION OFC.4.SES. The two vol- ,! I^xC" . r > . • •. of the Stat,-s which was covered by the original volume, up to umes together make a good working team. English Eeports, from the earliest times, with con- January, 188s — „ , „ ir<^iiiT-v J r^rkM (lensed notes as to editions, reprints, etc. (34 ENGLISH DIGESTS, EQUITY, and COW!- ^^^^^ 1 WIGfVIORE'S AUSTRALIAN BALLOT SYS- NION LAW. Scotch, and British Colonial Reports, with TEM. Second Edition (1889). Cloth, Chitty's Equity Dk^ksi. tourtli P.dition, ^ _ notes. 30 pages. •'31-50. complete in 9 vols. . .■■:jO'J..jO Index of Authors ( Text-Books and Keports). 13G The First Edition was published early in the year 1889 ; Mews's Common Law Digest, complete in 7 iviges "^ there have been so wide-spread an interest in the subject, vols 50.00 Index of Subjects (Text-Books, English and Ameri- ^^^^ "-^J^^^^f Mews's ^Supplement TO Chittv AND Mews, ^^^^y 44 pages. ' The s. .,.,.] i ,im i..., i,.,nH..iw,:,i , ...follows: 188:1-88 . . . . ... • . • • ■ Alphabetical Key to Abbreviations (Reports and A Sumn, i . . ! ■ _;-iation of '"'-'U^'^^S^^^^^ Text-Books together, old „r new, American or Z^.^;.. •, . - ri-l^S to 1888, with the cases so fully stated as Knglish ), in one l^ist. lob pages. Adopted ; E-m.iat^.- ,.f the Spied and,.'.- ol Voting : Pug- to be almost a substitute for the original This work is intended to help a judge, lawyer, or gestions as to liallot Leagues; Summary of Party Votes on reports 120.00 student in using law books, in hunting up author- Ballot Reform, etc. , .... i ties, and in tracing out blind citations. The work as thus enlarged includes the Secret Ballot Laws EWELL'S ESSENTIALS OF THE LAW. ^ _ r^rt w to a j>tc ih«.., c^i adopted or proposed in Massachusetts, Rhode island, Counecti- 3 vols. Leatherette, .'tiO.OO ; sheep, .$7. 50. mtl_l*Al.h UN OUNIKAOIb. IVeW tCI- cut, New York, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Montana, Mis- , , ^ , „ ' . T .1 tion. S3. 50. sourl, Kentucky, Tennessee, and in other American States. ^ °'a.l--n^^^'^,'*'"'7 Commentaries. Leatherette, ^^^^^^ ^^^^ PWnciples of the Law Also in Great Britain, Canada, Quebec. Ontario, Nova Scotia. .%2..d0; m law sheiM., >- ..oil of Contracts, by ,Tud.;e Metcalf, well known to the profes- Manitoba, British Columbia X„ifh«vsf I rrntories New Zealand, Professor Ewell, by rx, m im - i.ii' i .nir. i . ..ii,.t.., ^jon as a reporter,"aiid alterward a judge of the Massachusetts Lasmama, South Australia, i- • u: . . w ^outh Wales,lest and placing in smaller t> : i: .i Supreme Court, has been widely popular as the best elemen- AustraHa, Queensland, an. 1 1 I uxembourg, Norway, sages, has coniprcs.sed in 1 : ■ ; mie tary book on Ibis subject, for the lawyer as well as for Italy, Austria, other Eurfi- :. pocket volume. Differciii kmMs ..1 ti |- li,-v,- 1 i, u-.-Av iliiect the 'student. It is now presented in a new edition, with the '^^^ Introduction civ. ■ . ■ : U.e origin and growth the student and aid the memory. Tbt- edition is so tar .superior ^ot^g brought down to date, by Fr.4NKUN Fiske He.ird, Esq. ^'^^ method of secivt balL^tin- >,l,irl, va> come to be generallN to any previous one it has been adopted m several law students, either in offices or in law schools, known as The Au.^tr.n.:,i, „ „ , . schools, and is coming into general use among students and ^^^^y lawyers or iudges wishing to refresh their Altogether, igiiii>r<. s Australian Ballot Ssy-steui lawyers. memories as to the Principles of Contract, this book exhaustive discussion ol a siil.jf.'t of vital im- VoL. 2. Pleading — Contracts — Equity. Leather- is invaluable. portance. It is a book whu h n-.ay be saul to be e..)nn i„„. ol i.i -^fl essential to every public or private library and to ette, .Si.OU HI law sheep >-..J0 SCHOULER ON EXECUTORS AND AD- every citizen interested either in good governnieut StI;;hln;n™p"eaX4tSonOonra^^ iVl 1 N ISTR ATO RS. SeCOHd Edition. P'--.i<'al politics. in the form and type best suited for students, either for intro- 1889. S5.50. WOOD ON THE LSiVilTATION OF AC" duction or review. The popularity and successful sale of this excellent work have TErtNQ «;(' 'O Vol. 3. Evidence — Torts — Eeal Property, Leath- already brought it to a second edition. iiwnio. q?o.oi.'. Pi-otto «l-;00. in Inw «liPPn S 50 I' presents, historically and logically, the whole English and This recent treatise, by a well-known legal author of high Ti fV- , 1 i^nV,, „hL filu -J.;:>r'^o,,Hins »n »hctrn,.t American law of Executors and Adl^iui^traforv with a due re- reputation, covers, in one large volume (of nearly one lhou.«and of^;^?oi^vi^n^::Lror^,^':;^w^J^^:^ ^'^^^^^tr::^^::^:::^:^^^^^ "•iS^^^^^-togeHier contain the substance of a ""^t^^^^^^t Tt^^'^^^'lS^o '^'^":ases are so IMUy (though tersely) abstracted full course of law stud.y. the every-day practice of .all lawyer.s. It is recent, accurate, and that the reader a! ..ii.e their exact Have you a student J" ypm- othce? If so, this i.s ^^^^ { ..^d has already gained a wide and solid reputation. and entire application, ,i.h1 i> >a^. <1 niuch w;>sle of the best work to put into liis hands at the outset of = ' • " ' time in huntin" up oil - t ions in (Ik- ri-i)orls This is his reading: aiid also as a "review book "before SCHOULER ON WILLS. $5.50. a merit which will be appreciated by the over- ma examin.i ion. Althonirli tbi^ topic i.- one of the important in the whole worked lawyer. . „ „ ^ ^ ■ . , . ^. FOSTER'S FEDERAL PRACTICE: Equity range of law literature, there has been no recent American fhe Appendix gives in lull the fetatutes ol Limitations ol the — Com mon Law— Removal of Causes. 1'°°'^ discussing it, or any concise work in one volume until Mr ditterent states, c.nrr .schouler's attention was drawn to it while preparing his recent ^^.1 n>Bi»i«v> ■ •••> r>ir-i- i-i-nn 96.00. work on Executors, etc. Believing that there was great need WOOD ON RAILWAY LAW. SVolS. sl.3.00. A Treatise on Pleading and Practice in Equity in the Courts of such a work, he published early iu 1887 the present treatise. This treatise embodies about thirty thousand citations, and of the United states, with chapters on Jurisdiction of the Fed- which has already scored a proiioiinced success. exhausts the whole subji ct. from the point, of view both of the eral Courts, Practice at Common Law, Removal of Causes from Xo library of a practising lawyer in any ]>art of railroads aud of those who litigate against them. State to Federal Courts, and Writs of F,rror and Appeals ; with the United States is complete without tliis admira- Whoever has used any of Mr. Wood's law books must have special reference to Patent Causes and the Foreclosure of Rail- ble American treatise on Wilfs. noted their characteristics of thoroughness, clearness, and prac- way 5Iortgage.s. . . , „ .c..-. c . . m, ^ ^» . ^ -o- tical usefulness, — in all of which this book excels. This new work is the first real treatise upon SHELDON ON SUBROGATION. .s^.-jO xa^ Cextru, Law Journal says of Woods R.vii.way Law: Federal Practice (as distinguished from annotated Tlie only recent work on an intricate subject "It is undoubtedly the "most important legal collections of statutes), and covers all branches of por the purposes of the practitioner, the work work that ivas issued during tlie past year. We the topic, except admiralty, criminal law, ^ is done to admiration. Its arrangement is logical have already used it enough to see that substan- tice in the Court oi Claims. As such it fills a gap in and its statements terse, vigorous, and abundantly tially everything relating to the law of railways, existing literature, and will be essential to all who supported by authorities. — .J " ",,,,, y,«7. , . ' of persuasive authority in the American courts, practise in the United States courts. • which has been adjudicated either in England or JONES'S INDEX TO LEGAL PERIOOl STIMSON'S AMERICAN STATUTE LAW. America, is to be found in it. The statements of CALS. 1888. Half calf or half morocco, SIO.OO. (Constitutions; Property, Persons.) With "^^^^^^^^^^^ ^,^1^^^^^^ An index to Leading Articles, Editorials, Correspondence Supplement. 1 vol. .>i.0O. Mipplement Sep- v^riter books of standard authority in the -American Annotated Cases, and Biographical Notices in 140 American, aratelv (1887-1 8S!^ ), s2 00. <:ourts." OTHER PRACTICAL BOOKS. TO ENTERTAIN LAWYERS. AtlStins Farm Laic S2.50 Bioime's Late and Lainjers in Literatinc. i loti r>„j.„„, J .. . T.,. - r>^ Comic JBlacksfoiie, IlUistiated. (^lotli Batemau on AucHous. Sheldon's Edition oOO Famous French Trials, ( loth Browne on the Domestic Relations. Second edition . . . 2.50 dreen Bag. Vol. I. Quarto, half ukuocco Gray's Bestrainfs on Alienation 3.00 ^yfUlace: The Old Fvf/Ush neporfer.s. Fourth -diti, Grinnell's Massachii.^etts Practice Act 3.00 MAGAZINES. Heard's Equity rieadina 2.50 ^^VFHIC.^N: The Green Sag. as ahore ^ ^ ' F.XGLISH: The Lair Ouarferli/ Itei icir Tndermaur's Common Law Cloth 1..50 scotch- The .Taridical Review . . . S1.50 .3.00 5.00 5.0(1 no per year 75 per 50 per THE ABOVE PRICES ARE ALL NET.