Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/12

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6 SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. NEW AND STANDARD LAW-BOOKS. We have space in this issue to mention only a very few of the books we have in stock at the present time. Among the new books we have — Federal Procedure. The Title Judiciary in the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the Rules promulgated by the Supreme Court, and Forms, together with Notes referring to all Decisions, reported to Jan. i, iSSi. By Orlando F. Bump. Baltimore, i8Si. i vol. Svo. Law sheep, 975 pp., $6.50 net. Baylies on Sureties and Guarantors. A Treatise on the Rights, Reme- dies, and Liabilities of Sureties and Guarantors, and the Application of the Principles of Suretyship to Persons other than Sureties, and to Property liable as Surety for the Payment of Money. By Edwin Baylies, Counsellor-at-!aw. N.Y., iSSi. Law sheep, 600 pp., $5.00 net. "The Boston Advertiser" says, " iVtr. Baylies' style is clear and lucid ; his statements are precise, and carefully guarded ; the order of his arrangement is good ; and his work is well adapted to meet the needs both of the student and the practitioner." Waterman on Specific Performance of Contracts. A Practical Treatise on the Law relating to the Specific Performance of Contracts. By Thomas W. Waterman, Counsellor-at-law. N.Y., 1881. Law sheep, 850 pp., $6.50. Lawson on Usages and Customs. The Law of Usages and Customs, with Illustrative Cases. By John D. Lawson, author of a Treatise on the Con- tracts of Common Carriers, etc. St. Louis, 1S81. Law sheep, 552 pp., $5.50 net ; by mail, $5 75. Burroughs on Public Securities. A Treatise on the Law of Public Se- curities in America, including Bonds and other Obligations issued by the United States, the States of the Union, and by Cities, Towns, and other Municipalities. By W. PL Burroughs, author of " A Treatise on the Law of Taxation, Fed- eral, State, and Municipal." iSSi. Law sheep, 737 pp., $6.00 net. Adams's Equity. The Doctrine of Equity : a Commentary on the Law as administered by the Court of Chancery. By John Adams, Jun. Seventh Amer- ican edition, containing Notes to the previous editions, and References to Recent English and American Decisions. By Alfred I. Phillips. Philadelphia, 1S81. Law sheep, Ixix and 456 pp., $7.50. Jones on Chattel Mortgages. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. By Leonard A. Jones. Boston, 1S81. i vol. Law sheep, 657 pp., $6.50. Cox's Manual of Trade-Mark Cases. Comprising Sebastian's Digest of Trade-Mark Cases, covering all the Cases reported prior to the year 1879; together with those of a Treading Character decided since that date, with Notes and References. Boston, 1S81. i vol. Svo. Sheep, ^6.50. Maude and Pollock on Merchant Shipping. Fourth English edition. 2 vols. Cloth, $18.00 net; to librarians, entitled to remission of duty, $15.00 net. Compendium of contents sent free on application. Chalmers on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Notes, and Checks. New (second) English edition, i vol. Cloth, $2.75 net. New American edition, from first English edition, S3 50. Modern Jury Trials and Advocates. Containing Condensed Cases, with Sketches and Speeches of American Advocates ; the Art of Winning Cases, and the Manner of Counsel described, with Notes and Rules of Practice. By J. W. Donovan. N.Y., 1S81. 690 pp., cloth, $4.00 net ; sheep, $4.50 net. Sent post- paid on receipt of piice. Also the following standard works in quantities : — Jones on Railroad Securities. The Law of Railroad and other Corporate Securities, including Municipal Aid Bonds. By Leonard A. Jones. Svo. Sheep, $6.50. Judge Dillon says, " I find it to be a very complete, accurate, and useful work. It exhausts the special subjects to which it is devoted." Jones on Mortgages. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Real Prop- erty. By the same author. 2 vols. Svo. Sheep, $13.00. Chief Justice Waite says, " The more I have had occasion to refer to it, the better I like it ; and I am. certain it will be found to be a very valuable addition to the law-libraries of the day." Benjamin on Sales. A Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property, with References to the American Decisions and to the French Code and Civil Law. By J. P. Eenja.min,- Queen's Counsel, of Lincoln's Inn. Third American from latest English edition. By Edmund 11. Bennett. Svo. Sheep, 980 pp., $6.50. Moak's English Reports, covering the Important Cases selected from ^'The Law Times Reports," "The Law Reports," "The Weekly Rejjorter," "The Law Journal Reports," and "Cox's Criminal Cases." Edited by N.- thaniel C. Moak, with notes of American cases of a character similar to those reported. 28 vols. $168.00. Chitty on Contracts. A Treatise on the Law of Contracts and upon the Defences to Actions thereon. By Joseph Chitty, Jun., Esq. Eleventh Ameri- can from ninth English edition. 2 vols. Svo. Sheep, $13.00. Chitty on Pleading. A Treatise on Pleading and Parties to Actions, with Modern Precedents of Pleadings and Practical Notes. Sixteenth American from seventh English edition. 2 vols. Svo. Sheep, $12.00. Metcalf on Contracts. Principles of the Law of Contracts as applied by Courts of Law. By Theron Metcalf. Boston, 1880. i vol. Sheep, 357 pp., $4.00. History of the United States of America under the Constitution. By James Schouler. Vol. i, 1783 to iSoi. (Second volume ready in February, covering period to 1817.) i2mo. Cloth, $2.50. " There is no complete political history of this country ; but Mr. Schouler's first volume makes an excellent beginning." — New York Tribiute. Life of John, Lord Campbell, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, consisting of a Selection from his Autobiography, Diary, and Letters. Edited by his daughter, the Hon. Mrs. Hardcastle. American edition. 2 vols. Svo. or ismo., with portrait. $5.00. Codes Francais, et Lois Usuelles, decrets, ordonnances et avis du Conseil d'Elat qui les completent on les modifient conformes aux Textes OfSciels, avec une Conference des articles basee principalement sur la jurisprudence, et annotes des arrets de la Cour de Cassation et des Circulaires Ministerielles. Par H. F. Riviere. Paris, 18S1. i vol. 1500 pp., half morocco, $8.00 net. Patentgesetzgebung. Sammlung der Wichtigeren Patentgesetze, Ausfiihr- ungsvorschriften, Verordnungen U. S. W. in Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Great Britain, etc. Von Dr. Carl Gareis. Berlin, 1S79. 3 small vols. Cloth, $6.00 net. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States. Legislation of 1S74-S1. Prepared and edited by William A. Richardson, one of the judges of the Court of Claims. Royal octavo. Sheep, 716 pp., $2.50 net. We will give liberal discounts from the above prices, except those marked net. THE FIRST KING'S BENCH REPORT. Law-Cases from William I. to Richard I. Anno 1066- 1195. (Published under the name of "Placita Anglo-Normannica.") By A^ELViLLE M. BiGELOW, Doctor of Philosophy in Harvard Univer- sity. This volume of the earliest English law-reports extant opens with an elaborate introduction, setting forth the chief features of the book, and presenting a general view of the procedure of the courts of England from the time of the Norman Conquest to the end of the twelftli century. The following are some of the notices of the press : — " The author has included in this book almost every important record throwing light on the litigation and legal procedure of the temporal courts during the period from the Norman Conquest to the middle of the reign of Richard I., and his learned introduction much enhances the value of the collection. . . . Mr. Bigelow's learning throws a new light on the origin of actions on the case." — AtJienmun (London), July jg. " In an able and lucid introduction, Mr. Bigelow points out the gradual process of modification which the Saxon system of law underwent during the two cen- turies succeeding the Norman Conquest; how slowly the characteristic features of that system were abandoned, and how the old and new methods were finally amalgamated in the procedure of the thirteenth century. — Academy (London), Sept. 27. " Obviously the thing could not have been done, save by an editor who com- bined the technical knowledge of an English lawyer with the tastes and aptitudes of an historian." — Saturday Kevicw (London). "The historical study of law, which has received so strong an impetus of late, in this country no less than in England, has borne worthy fruit, as well as provided itself with a store of valuable material, in Mr. Bigelow's collection of law-cases of the Anglo-Norman i)erlod. ... It will be seen, that, although the interest of the book is principally legal, it has at the same time great value for the student of constitutional and general history." — Nation (New York). Price, cloth, ^4.00 net; half calf, $5.50. ENGLISH REPORTS. V/e shall be glad to furnish prices of English, Irish, and Scotch reports on application.