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LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, No. 12. 7 NOW READY. > ol.6- AMKRU AN I'li<)I{lE HKPOIMS. Cmitaimng recent cases (ix FULL) of general importance in the Highest Courts of the several States on points of Probate Law. IFilk Full Tinles 11 I 11 t tl lork S"J 1: ! I,. iiiKl on the inr '.^n.iiiis. to which IS ilaij( i(rii> l'i o-c{ ul .(111. Bv John; Uar. Koiirtli lidition. murh The first cjition of Mr Towusbeud's treatise was less than 600 pa<res. containing references to some 3,000 cases. This New Edition has been extended to 9o0 pages, and refers to MORE THAN 7.500 (JASES in the American, English, Scotch, Irish. Canadian, and Au.«tralian Reports, and to oter 400 Law Trea- tises AND OTHER DOOKS. . It IS EXHAUSTIVE OF THK MHJUT Of which it treats. 1'KICE. $6.oO «' /, delirerr,!. To be Published in February. IVHKELEH ON THE MODERN LAW OF CARRIERS, or the Liniit.ition of the (.'omiiioii-Law Liability of toin- inoii Carriers under the Law Merchant, Statutes, and Special Contract.s. Bv Everett P. Wheeler, of the New York Bar. Price, S4.o6 nrt. ,hlirer,;/. (J^°"The publishers believe that this new work, on what is to-ilay one of the great subjects of the law, an./ irliirli is v rkti-n ii/ ON:- o^' iW/" j nrt, i iihh'si /,(Hw/r-/-,v, Will be of great service to theJegal profession throughout the country. No other work on Carriers consider.-, except incidentally, many question> connected with the subject which are very fully treated of in thi, volume. It Sdpplemunts all other Works on the Subject, and no lawyer who is interested in the Law of Carriers can afford to be without it. RAM ON FACTS AS SUB.lEt TS OF INQUIRY BY A JURY. Willi Aiiierii .in Notes I'". .1" i , l i v. n mi ; r. Fourth Ameri- can r.lKinn nilli ni;,in :i.Miii..„;il ics and Refcr- enn s. I ' i: 'I valuable and

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These reports give the entire history of each case : all the testimony introduced, without abridgment : the arguments of the dis- tinguished counsel arrayed on either side ; the charge of the judge, and the verdict of the jury. 000 pages. Bound in Half Morocco, .$2.00. Sent by mail, post-paid, to any address on receipt of price. Complete Descriptive Catalogues of miscellaneous publications and amateur and standard plays and farces, mailed free on ap- plication. Address THE DEWITT PUBLISHING HOUSE, THE ONLY OFFICIAL COPYRIGHTED EDITION WM mi REPORTS, 132 Vols, iu 102 Books, 17!>2 1890. $288.00 net. PRINTKL) IN LAROK TYPE, Full Octavo Page, All the original paging, arguments, and briefs retained. This is not the edition that is printed in small type and doable columns. It is the edition inir chased by the Governtneitt for the use of the U. S. Circuit and District Courts. IT IS USED AND CITED BY THE UNITED STATES OOUKTS. Vols, 1^1 are fully annotated by F. C. Brightly. 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