Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/21

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 CATALOGUE OF TRIALS. [See " Miscellaneous, " at the end, for trials added si this Catalogue -was begun. 1 Adultery and Crim. Con. Binns, Wm., XI. Scott, John. Pamph. 33 pp. $1 Sturt, Chas., v. Marquis of Blandl'ord. Crim. con. Svo. Lend., iSoi. 149 pp. 2 Tilton V. Beecher. 3 vols. Svo. N. Y., 1875. 7 Assault. Clifford V. Brandon. Assault and false imprison, ment. i2mo. Lend. 20 pp. 1 — The Same. iimo. Paper. Lond., 1S09. iiSpp. i Ilowe, John, and Dive, Geo. L. Two actions between. 4to. Pamph. Lond., 17S1. 26 pp. i Kenoe, John, a/. " Molly Maguires." 8vo. Paper. Pottsvilie, Pa., 1876. 262 pp. i O'Byrne. Patrick J., v. The Marquis of Hartington and others. Complaint against police. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1S72. 1,470 pp. ? — The Same. Hlf. clf. Saurin v. Starr and another. Action by Sister of Mercy against Mother Superior. Svo. 'Cl. Lond., 1S69. 151 pp. I Watson, and VignoUes, captains. At an Election in Co. Carlow. Dublin, 1S3S. Pamph. 43 pp. 1 Assumpsit, Contract. Boston Gas Light Co. v. W'm. Gault. Refusal to pay gas bill. 8vo. Paper. Boston, 1S4S. 119 pp. ' Carew, John E. Insolvent debtor; on opposition en- tered by executors of Earl of Egremont. 8vo. Cl. Lond., 1842. 416 pp. and app. 2 Carew v. B urrell and another. Action against executors of Earl Egremont to recover £33,000 for statues, etc., and for loss of time in attendance on the late Earl. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1840. 174 pp. i Dublin (corporation) v. William Thomas. Action of assumpsit for port duties claimed. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1827. 114 pp. I Mannin z*. Edgeworth and Sheehan. Stitched. Dublin, 1S27. 17 pp. I Senator Screw Ship Co. v. Astle, John. Action against defendant as underwriter. Pamph. 36 pp. Dublin, 1S48. Burglary and Bobbery. Brodie, Wm., and Smith, Geo. 4to. Paper. Edinb., 1788. I2S PP- 2 Brodie, Wm., and Smitli, Geo. Svo. Paper. Edinb., 1788. 2 Claims to Estates, Titles, etc. AUardice, Robt. Barclay. Earldom Airth. Svo. Cl. Lond., 1842. 248 pp. 1 Barony of Gardner. Report of proceedinsjs in House of Lords. Lond., 182S. Svo. Bds. 505 p]). 3 Butler V. Viscount Mountgarret. Estates in Co. of Kilkenny. Lg. paper. 225 pp. 2 Humphreys, Alex. Claiming title Earl of Stirling. Tried for forgery. Svo. Cl. Edinb., 1830. 2 — The Same. 4to. Mlf. clf. 3 Maule V. Maule. Print of papers. 4to. Hlf. clf. 200 pp. 1S27. 3 Sutherland. Additional case of Elizabeth, claiming title of countess of. 4to. 345 pp. and appendix. 2, Sutherland Peerage. Brief for counsel of Sir Robt. Gordon. 4to. 1771. 158 pp. 2 Valentia, Titles of Viscount. Minutes of proceedings before Lords* committees for privileges, upon the several claims to. Lg. paper. Bds. Dublin, 1773. 233 pp. 2. Conspiracy. Brown, Capt. John. (Harper's Ferry.) Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1859. loS pp. I, CatO Street Conspiracy. See Treason. CharnOCk, Robt., and others. Lg. paper. 76 pp. Lond.. 1696. 5, Cochrane, Thos., Lord, and others. To affect govern- ment funds. Svo. Lond., 1814. 604 pp. ' 3. Conspiracy Trial. Burning Michigan Central freight depot. Svo. Pampb. Detroit, 1S51. 295 pp. i, Forbes, Jas., and others. To create riot and insult Lord Lieut, in Theatre Royal. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1S23. 371 pp. 2. French, Burke, and Welch. To seize vessels. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1819. 412 pp. 3 Hanbidge,H.andM.,and fourothers. To assassinate Lord Lieut, of Ireland. i2mo. Paper. Dublin, 1823. ,. Hinchman v. Richie et al. To confine in an insane asylum in ordertoobtain property. Svo. Unbound. Phila., 1849. 242 pp. Hunt, Heni-v, and others. Svo. Unbound. Mancliester, 1820. 17SPP. I. — The Same. Lond., 1820. 309 pp. 2. Knox, Thos., and Lane, John. Conspiracy to defame Gates and Bedloe. Fo. Paper. Lond., 16S0. 6S pp. z. O'ConneU, Dan'l, and others. (Flanely ed., best.) Svo. Cl. Dublin, 1844. 484 pp. 3. — The Same. Armstrong & Trevor ed. 3. Stokes, Dr. Wm. H., and Blenkinsop, Mary. Mt. Hope (Baltimore, Md.) Insane Asylum case. Svo. Paper. I3alto., :S66. 202pp. i. Walker, Thomas, and others. i2mo. Paper. Man- chester, 1794. 134 pp. 2. Wakefield, Edward G., Wm., and Frances. Con- spiracy and abduction. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S27. 302 pp. 3. Copj-rigUt. Atlas Company of Scotland v. A. FuUerton & Co. Edinb., 1853. Pamph. 44 pp. i. Palmer v. DeVVitt. Opinion of Justice Monell as to rights of dramatic authors at common law. Lg. caper. N. Y., 1S71. 40 pp. i. Coroners' Inquests. On bodies of fourteen persons slain in affray at Newton- barry, Co. Wexford, 1S31. Dublin. i3nio. Pamph. S9PP- $1.00 On uody of John Lee. (Manchester Riots.) Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S20. 652 pp. 3.00 Com-ts Martial and Military Commissions. Abbot, Lieut. Joel. Naval. Svo. Bds. Boston, 1S22. 164 pp. 2.00 Bazaine, Le Mar^chal. Relation Complete. 3 vols, in I. 4to. Hlf. sheep. Paris, 1S74. 4.00 Beall, John Y. As spy, etc. Military commission. Svo. Paper. N. Y., 1865. 94 pp. i.oo Byng, Hon. Admiral John. Fo. Bds. Lond., 1757. 130 pp. 3.00 Hyder, Lieut. Wm. Augustine. Svo. Unbound. Lond.,iS45. 16S pp. 1.50 Johnstone, Col. Andrew Cochrane. Defence. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1S06. 2.50 Keppel, Augustus. Admiral of the Blue. Svo. Dub- lin, 1779. 5SS pp. 3.00 Lestock, Vice Admiral. JTathew's charge, Lestock's defence, etc. i2mo. Lond., 174$. 394 pp. 2.50 Mordaunt, Lieut.-Gen., Sir John. i2mo. Unbound. Lond., 1758. 116 pp. 1.50 O'HaHoraa, Lieut. i2mo. Lond., 1796. 47 pp. 1.50 Porter, Commodore David, U. S. N. Svo. Washing. ton, 1S25;. I.oo Pillow, Gen. G. J. Conduct during Mexican war. Svo. Sheep. 1S4S. 2.50 Robertson, Capt. A. M., Royal Irish Dragoons. Pamph. Dublin, 1S62. 166 pp. 1.50 Kyan, R. and NicoUs, W. B. Duelling. Svo. Hlf. bound. Lond., 1811. 164 pp. i-So SackvOle, Lord Geo. Svo. Unbound. Lond. 342 pp. 3.00 — 'lite Same. Svo. Pub. by authority. Lond., 1759. 324 p]->. 3.00 Smith, Rev. John. Debate in Ho. of Coms. respecting trial and condemnation of. i2mo. Hlf. clf. Lond., 1S24. 250 pu. 2.50 Torokler, Lieut. W. Y. Parliamentary papers, etc., relating to reversal of a sentence by court martial, after an interval of 35 years. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1S65. 88 pp. I.oo Vallandigham, Hon. Clement L. Military commis- sion. Svo. Sheep. Cincinnati, 1863. 372 pp. 2.00 WhitelOCke, Lieut. Gen. 2 vols. Svo. Bds. Lond., iSoS. Mottley's ed. 4.00 — The Same. 8vo. Paper. Lond., 1808. 214 pp. Tip. per's ed. 2.00 — The Same. Tipper's ed., in boards. 2.50 Winthrop, Lieut. -Col. GrenviUe Temple. Svo. Bds. Boston, 1S32. 456 pp. 3.50 Custody of Children. D'Hauteville Case. Svo. Paper. Phila., 1S40. 29s pp. 1.50 Maguire and others v. Maguire. Mother of different religious faith under a will. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S64. 72 pp. I.oo Divorce. Belcher the wife v. Belcher the husband. Phillamore's judgment with app. Svo. Bds. Lond., 1S35. 147 Burch. Or: Svo. Paper Paper. N. Y, N. Y., Stringer & .50 Forrest, Edwin. Svo. Townsend, 1852. ill — The Same. Herald report, by Dewitt & Dewitt & Davenport. 187 pp. 1.00 — The Same. N. Y. Herald report. 183 pp. N. Y., Mordaunt v. Mordaunt, Cole and Johnstone. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1S70. 125 pp. .75 Talbot V. Talbot. Letter to L'd Lieut, of Ireland on the judgment of High Court of Delegates. By T. T.Paget. Svo. St'chd. Lond., 1S56. 107 pp. "-oo — The Same. Letter to the L'd Lieut, of Ireland on the judgment of the L'd Chancellor, Lord Brougham and Lord .St. Leonards, on second read- ing. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S56. 97 j^p. .75 ^Ecclesiastical Property, Government, Etc. Clough Case. Rightof a congregation to property after change of faith. i2ino. Dublin, 1836. 205 pp. 2.00 Colenso, Bishop, v. Bishop of Capetown. Powers of bishops in tlie colonies. Svo. Pamph. Lond., 1S63. 64 pp. I.oo Earle, Oliver, and others, v. Wood, Wm., and others, in equity. Qiiestion caused by separation in Society of Friends in N. E., 1845. Svo. Cl. Bos- ton, 1855. 260 pp. 2.00 Eberle, Frederick, and others. For conspiring to pre- vent introduction of Eng. language into service of St. Michael's and Zion's churches, Phila. lamo. - • Phi- Stone altar Judgment of Sir H. J. Fust. Svo. Pamph. Lond., 1845. 62 pp. 1.25 Gorham, Rev. G. C, v. Bishop of Exeter. Svo. Cl. Lond., 1852. 486 pp. 3.50 Gorham Case. Review of, by J. D. Chambers. Svo. Cl. Lond., 1S50. 72 pp. 1.50 Gosling f. Veley. Braintree (Eng.) church-rate case. Svo. Cl. Lond., 1S53. 124 pp. '-50 Hampden, Rev. R. D. Validity of election as bishop. Svo. Cl. Lend., 1S49. S'SPP- 2-5° Hughes, Rev. Wm. For drunkenness, immoral con- duct, etc. Svo. Unbound. Dublin, 1829. 05 pp. 1.50 Hutton, Rev. Jas., and Ledlie, Jas. C, D.D., and others. Attorney General against, on the ground that defendants, being Unitarians, were not entitled to use of a certain charity. Dublin, 1S44. Paper. 150 pp. 1.50 Leslie : Debate, Church of Scotland respecting election of. Svo. Paper. Edinb., 1S06. 3.00 McFarlane, Jas. Johnston. For fornication and drunk- enness. Svo. Paper. Edinb., 1833 S2.00 Onderdonk, Rt. Rev. Berj. T., D.D. Indecent be- havior. Svo. Paper. N.Y., 1845. 333 pp. 2.00 Perth Cause. Reviewed by the associate session of Perth. Edinb., 1S21. Pamph. 70 pp. i.oo Shotwell, Thos. L. V. Hendricksou, Jos. Dissension among Quakers. 2 vols. Svo. Bds. Phila., iSoi. 3.00 Stewarton Case. (Wm. Cunningham and others v. Presbytery of Irvine.) Protest against division of a parish. Svo. Pamph. 190 pp. Edinb., 1S43. 2.00 Swing, David. Before Presbytery of -Chicago. For want of zeal, etc. Svo. Cl. Chicago, 1874. 2S6pp. Thurston, John. Trial and expulsion from the Wes- leyan Methodist Society. Lond., 1836. Pamph. Veley and Joslin v. Burden Braintree Church-rate case. The five judgments. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1843. 93 pp. ,.50 Westerton v. Liddell. Strictures, legal and historic, on the judgment of the Consistory Court of London. Svo. Paper. Lond., 1S56. 167 pp. . WUson V. Daly. Canonical Eiectio: Dublin, 1842. 79 pp. Svo. Paper and Topham Election. Ashby and White. With case of Jay A ^i'f'^P- Lond., 1705. 258 pp. 2.00 Ashby V. hite et als. " Men of Aylesbury." Svo. BJs. Lond., 1837. 61 pp. 1.50 Boyse, Thos., High Sheriff, v. Power, Jas., M.P. Pamph. Dublin, 1S42. 24 pp. i.oo Cricklade Case. Svo. jSS pp. , 00 Drogheda Election Petition. Judgment, by Tud'^e Keogh. Dublin, 1S09. Pamph. 32 pp. ■> ' ° Hooper -y. Torrey. Contested. 25th Senate, X.J. Svo, Paper. Trenton, 1S69. 122 pp. i 00 Marsh, Chas., and Alexander, Phillip. Contested. Legislature, N.J. Svo Paper. Newark, 1S78. 1.00 Trinity College Borough Case. i2mo. Sheep. Dub- lin, 1791. 277 pp. 2.50 Fictitious Cases, Mock Trials. Gib, Rev. Adam. Trial of T— s K— r. A— w B— n and K-tM-n. i2mo. Paraph. Edinb., 1768. io6pp. 2.50 Irvmg.Rev. Edw., M.A. A Cento of Criticism. S%-o. Bds. Lond., 1823. 96 pp. i.cq Lees, Sir Harcourt, Bart. On charges of barretry and eavesdropping. P.amph. Dublin. 26 pp. 1.50 Whiteacre v. Blackacre. Satirical reference to sla. very question. i2mo. Sheep. Richmond, 1856. 251 PP- 2.00 Forgery. GOlespie, Malcolm, and Edwards, Geo. Sm. i2mo. Bds. Aberdeen, 1S27 110 pp. -. ~> Kundooomar, Maha Rajah. In Calcutta. j,h ^ --^ 20 pp. Lend. Paper Fraud. Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank. Dobbie v. Johnson et al. Sale of stock through false representations. Lg. paper. Edinb., and Lond., 1S61. 342 pp. i — The .Same. WiUi motion for new trial. 2 Glasgow Bank. Directors. Edinb., 1879 Paper. 2(19 pp. Magee, Jas., proprietor "Dublin Evening Post," v. O'Gorman, Nicholas Purcell. Suit for deceit in in ducing plaintiff to print a speecli falsely alleged by defendant to have been pronounced by defendant at Londonderry in 1S14. Svo. Bds. Dublin, 1816. „ 53 pp. I Norton, Heneage, Attorney. i6mo. Pamph. Lond., , Patrick M. S., and Wallace, iMichacl S. S. jying brig '• Dryad " to defraud insurance com- >. Svo. Cl. Lond., 1S41. 294 pp. 2.50 Impeachment. Addison, Judge Alex. Senate, Penn. 1803. Barnard, Geo. N. Y. Senate, i vol Albany, ,874. Belknap, Wm. W. Senate, U. S. Sv 154 PP- I Sheep. late, U. S. Svo. Cl. Wash., ,N.Y. Svo. Sheep. Albany, Curtis, Geo. M. Se 1S74. 748 pp. Johnson. Prest. Andrew. U. S Senate. 3' Pape Phila., 1S6S. McCunn, John H., Justice City of X.Y. Svo. Sheep. Albany, 1S74. 617 pp. 2 Melville, Henry, Lord Viscount. Corruption in ad- ministration of public moneys. Svo. Hlf. bound. Lnnd., 1806. 3 — The Same. Lg. paper. r — The Same. Svo. Bds. Edinb., 1S06. 2 Prescott, Jas. Senate, Mass. With appendix contain. ing account of former impeachments in Mass. Svo. Bds. Boston, 1821. 225 pp. 2 Prindle, Horace G. Senate, N. Y. 2 vols. Svo. Sheep. Albany, 1S74. 1,319 pp. 4 SachevereU, Dr. Henn-. Svo. Lond., 1710. 2 — The Same. Fo. (Fiiie copy.) 3 Insurance. Cavendish, Hon. Fredk. z'. Hope Insurance Co. of London. Svo. Paper. Dublin, 1S13. 119 pp. 2 Cavendish v. Hope Insurance Co. Fuller report. Small. Marine. Sv Cl. >yd Z). Corporation of the Royal Exchange Assurance Co. Marine. Svo. Cl. Lond., 1S46. 206 pp. and app. i