Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/37

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SOULE & BUGBEE^S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 3 DIGEST OF EQUITY REPORTS. We ask your subscription for tlie Fourth Edition of Chitty's (Eng- lish) Equity Index. The last edition of this very valuable work was published in four volumes, in 1853. Since then the chancery reports of De Gex, iVIacnaghten, & Gordon; De Gex & Jones; De Gex, Fisher, & Jones; De Gex, Jones, & Smith ; the Law Reports Equity Cases, Chancery Appeals, and Chancery Division ; half of Beavan's series ; Drewry ; Drewry & Smale ; Smale & Giffard ; Giffard ; Kay ; Kay & Johnson ; Johnson ; Johnson & Hemming, and Hemming & Miller, have been published, — over one hundred vol- umes in all, besides the law periodicals and the Irish Reports; nearly doubling the number of cases digested in the last edition. Fishers Digest embraces only the Common Law decisions and the Appeal Cases ; and Chitty's Digest, covering the Equity and Bankruptcy Reports, is necessary to include the entire range of English law. This edition will be comprised in six volumes, very thick royal octavo. Vol. I (containing titles from Abandonment to Bankruptcy, inclusive) is ready for delivery, and the other volumes will follow at short inter'als. The title Bankruptcy comprises a digest of all the cases on that subject at common law as well as in equity. The English price of the new edition will be from ^ i . 16.0 to ^2.7.0 per volume, in half calf binding. Adding the 25 per cent, import duty, this amounts to from $11.25 to $14.50. As the volumes will contain a large amount of matter, this price is low for an English law-book. Fisher's Common Law Digest, when first published, was sold in this country for $20.00 per volume. By special arrangement with the publishers, however, we are enabled to offer Chitty's Equity Digest to subscribers, who take each volume as it appears, at the still more reasonable price of $8.00, net, per volume, either in full sheep binding or in half law calf. We deliver anywhere in the United States at this price. Ifyouwishto get this Digest, please send your subscription at once (specifying whether you will take the volumes in sheep or in half calf) , Every library needs it. Every lawyer who practises in Equity needs it. Every lawyer who consults or values Equity cases needs it. Every one who owns Fisher's Dig'est (or Jacob's Fisher's Digest) of English Common Law Reports needs also Chitty's Equity Index. EQUITY PLEADING. A great difficulty which is found with the old works on Equity practice and pleading lies in the fact that they arise from and are adapted to the old English system, which has been thoroughly reformed in England as well as in the United States. There is a demand for books on Equity which shall recognize the change, and present the procedure in its simpli- fied form. Such a book is A Concise Treatise on the Principles of Equity Pleading, with Precedents, by Franklin Fiske Heard, which con- tains a concise exposition of the principles and general rales of Equity Pleading, as recognized at the present day. The treatise is intended for the use of students and young practitioners ; but it will be found useful also by many older lawyers ; but the precedents given in the appendix will be especially valuable to the practitioner. "The method of arrangement is logical and clear, and the treatment precise. In ad- dition to the text there are nearly 100 pages of precedents, which seem to us to form by no means the least valuable portion of the work." — Central Law Jounuil. " Admirably fitted for students as well as for general practitioners." — Chief Justice Appleton, of Maine. "A very useful work." — Virginia Law Journal. Price, in cloth, $2.00, net; in law sheep or half-law calf, $2.50, 7iet- Cost of Delivery. — Unless it is otherwise specified in our advertisements the purchaser is expected to pay cost of delivery of all net books, in addition to their price. WOOD ON LIMITATIONS. The subject of the Limitation of Actions enters so largely into litigated questions and into the consideration of difficult points of law, in all parts of the country and in all kinds of practice, that a modern treatise, group- ing the cases conveniently under the proper heads, and citing decisions from the new as well as from the old States, has been greatly needed. This IS especially true, as the subject depends entirely upon statutes ; and in most of the States the Statutes of Limitations have undergone radical alterations during the last twenty years. To meet this want we have published A Treatise on the Limitation OF Actions at Law and in Equity, by H. G. Wood, author of standard treatises on Nuisances, Landlord and Tenant, etc. His volume contains 976 large and closely printed pages, with an unusually large propor- tion of notes, comprising enough matter to fill two ordinary volumes. About eight thousand cases are cited in the notes with sufficient fulness to enable lawyers who do not have access to large libraries to get the gist of the principal cases. The notes are not loaded down, however, with unnecessarily long quotations, only so much being given as will enable the reader to comprehend the point presented without referring too constantly to the reports. The range of citations includes not only the old States, but the newer States also, so that, in towns where there are only one or two sets of reports, a citation can usually be found in each note, which can be verified and used in its original and authoritative form. The index, which is unusually thorough, includes the notes as well as the text. In the Appendix, Mr. Wood has given the English Statutes and those of the American States and Territories as they now st.and, which are accessible in no other treatise. The contents are as follows : — Chapter I. Statutes of Limitations, What are. History of, General Rules, i. II. What Actions on Simple Contracts maybe barred, 36. III. Specialties, 64. IV. Available for and against whom, 79. V. Computation of Time, 95. VI. Equity, Adoption of Statute by Courts of, 108. VII. Removal of the Statutory Bar, Acknowl- edgments, 128. VIII. Acknowledgments in writing, 207. IX. Part Payment, Acknowledgment by, 220. X. When Statute begins to run, Contracts, 254. XI. Agents, Factors, etc., 276. XII. Bills, Notes, Checks, etc., 2S8. XIII. Miscellaneous Causes of Action, 313. XIV. Specialties, 339. XV. Torts, Quasi e Contractu. 362. XVI. Executors and Administrators, 386. XVII. Trusts and Trustees, 413. XVIII. Mortgagors and Mortgagees, 442. XIX. Disabilities in Personal Actions, 471. XX. Adverse Possession and Real Actions, 498. XXI. Dower, 584. XXII. Effect of Fraud, 586. XXIII. Mutual Accounts, etc., 594. XXIV. Set-off, 601. XXV. Co- contractors, 605. XXVI. Judicial Process, 619. Appendix of Statutes, 629. Index, 867. The best testimony to the merits of Wood on Limitations is the extraordinary sale which the work has already had, and the increasing demand for it. Price in law .sheep, $6.50, net. THE LAW OF AUCTIONS. Bateman on the Law of Auctions and Auctioneers, with Ameri- can notes by H. N. Sheldon (author of Sheldon on Subrogation), is the first work published in America on this subject. Questions under it come largely into litigation (as the table of cases to Bateman will show) , and It should be in every library which goes beyond the radimentary books of the law. In addition to the questions which might ordinarily arise in connection with an auction sale, the author discusses Sales under judgment (or by order of chancery), Sales by order and under process of court. Sales under distresses for rent, and Sales by pawnbrokers. The American editor especially enlarges in his notes on purchases by trustees for sale, on puffing ; on reserved biddings ; on " knock-out sales " and fraudulent prac- tices ; on execution and purport of memoranda, under the Statute of Frauds ; on Judicial Sales ; and on Execution Sales. Price, in law sheep, S5.00, net. Massachusetts Statutes. — Whoever has a set of the Massachusetts Reports should have also the Public Statutes of Massachusetts, published, by authority, in 1882. Although the volume is a royal octavo of 1.450 pages, bound in law sheep, the price is estab- lished by the State at only $2.85, net.