Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/47

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A PAGE OF BARGAINS. ea:re books. Bacon (Francis) Resuscitatio ; or bringin!; into Piiblick Light Several Pieces of his Works (Huherto Sleeping). 3d ediiion. Foiio, boards. London, 1671. $3.5 Bentham (Jeremyi. Rationale of Judicial Evidence. 5^. Half cair London, 1827- 20.C Black Book of the Admiralty. Containing all the ancient Statutes of the Admiralty and famous marine laws. 4 vols. Boards. London. i4-c Blackstone (William). The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest. 4to. Old calf. Fine engravings. Oxford, 1759. 6.C Bracton (Henricus de) De Legibus et Consuetu- dinibus Anglia; libri quinque, etc. Folio, old calf. London, 1569. lo.c Britton. 2d ediiion. By Wingate. i5mo. Old calf. London, 1640. S-c Gary (Henry). A Commentary on the Tenures of Lit- tleton, written prior to the publication of Coke upon Littleton. From <he Harleian Manuscripts. 8vo, boards. London, 1829. 6.c Chitty's General Practice. 4 vols. Sheep. Phila- English by Bryant Barrett. With a succinct account of all the Ancient Codes of Law. 2 vols. Boards. 10. c Collectanea Juridiea ; or. Tracts relating to the Law and Constitution of England. 2 vols. Calf. London, n.d. , 5.C Corpus Juris Civilis. Five huge folio volumes, with Glosses, &c. Lugduni, 1548. 15. c Criminal Law : Reports of the Commission on. 8 parts, bound in 2 vols. Folio, half calf. London, 1834-45- Sx Dane's Abridgment of American Law. (Con- taining notes of many Massachusetts cases, &c., not in the Reports. ) 9 vols. Sheep. Boston. 25. c Doctor and Student. English black-letter. i6mo, calf. 1721. 2.C Duke (George). The Law of Charitable Uses and Mortmain. Edited by Bridgman. Calf. London, 1805. 7.= Fitzherbard (Anthony). The Newe Booke of Jus- tyces of Peas. (English black-letter.) i6mo, old calf. London, 1541. 6.< Fitzherbert (Anthony). The New Natura Brevium. 9th edition. 2 vols. Calf. London, 1794. 5.C Fleta ; seu, Commentarius Juris .' glicani. Seidell's edition. Small qtiarto, old calf. London, 1685. 5.( Fortescue (Sir John). De Laudibus Legum Anglis. 241110. old calf. London, 1616. 2.< Glanville. Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Anglic. i6mo, old calf. London, 1573. 5.C GodoIphin"(John). Repertorium Canonicum ; or, An Abridgment of the Ecclesiastical Laws. 3d edition. Small quarto, calf. London, 1687. 3.1 Hoffman (David). A Course of Legal Study. 2d edi- tion. 2 vols, ill I. Baltimore, 1S36. 4.( Illingworth on Forestalling and Kegrating. Calf. London, 1800. 2.( Juridical Society Papers. 4 vols. Half calf. Lon- don, 1S58-73. [This collection contains essays on interesting legal topics by the most eminent English jurists, such as Best, Maine, Joshua Williams, Fitzjanies Stephen, Westlake, Leake, Denman, Lushington, and others. A complete copy is very difficult to obtain.] 35. c Kelham (Robert). A Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language. Old calf. London, 1779. 6.< Littleton's Tenures in English. 24mo, boards. London. 1S25. 2.' Manwood (John). A Treatise of the Laws of the For- est. Small quarto, old calf. London, 1598. 5.< Menoo, The Laws of. Translated by Richardson. 14 vols, ill I. Calf. Maulmain, 1847. 7.; Merewether and Stephens. History of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations. 3 vols. Boards. London, 1835. g.t Natura Brevium ("The Old"). Black-letter. Small folio, boards. No title. Printed by Robert Redmon, about 1525. 5.( Nicolas (Sir N. H.) on Adulterine Bastardy. Cloth. London, 1836. 2.( Perkins (John). A Profitable Booke. Black-letter. 181110, old calf. London, printed about 1550. 3 < Reeves' History of English Law. 5 vols. Sheep. Philadelphia. 12. Riviere, Helie, et Dupont. Codes Frani;ais et Lois Usuelle. Half morocco. Paris, 1881. 8.1 Rotuli Parliamentorum. (127S-1503.) With Index. " '■ - • jjjjg Judgments thereon, /em/i. Edw. I. and IL Folio, calf. London, i65i. [This is a collection of Parliamentary Cases, ill Latin and Law French ] lo.c Savigny on Possession. 6th edition. Translated into English by Sir Erskine Perry. Calf. London, 1S4S. 6.c Schmidt (G.). The Civil Law of Spain au^ Mexico. Sheep. New Orleans, 1851. 4.c Scroggs (Sir William). The Practice of Courts Leet and Courts Baron. 4th edition. Old calf. London, 172S. 3.t Selden (John). Opera Omnia : recensuit Wilkins. 6 vols. Folio, old calf London, 1726. 30.C Sheppard's Touchstone. 7th edition. 2 vols. Calf. London, 1820. 5.; Staundforde ( Guilliaulme). Les Plees del Coron, etc. Small quarto, old calf. London, 1567. 5.C Sugden (Sir Edward) on Powers. 3d American edi- tion. 2 vols. Sheep. Philadelphia, 1856. lo-t Tidd's Practice. 3d American edition. 2vols. 1S56. 12.C Tremaine ( J.). Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. Calf. Dub- Wheaton (Henry) on International Law, Dank'-: Edition. Cloth. Boston, 1866. Wheaton (Henry) on International Law, Lawre.nck'; Editiom. Sheep. Boston. 1S63. White (Joseph). The institutes of the Great Timour Tamerlane. (Juarto, boards (large paper). 1782. A FEW SETS OF EEPOETS, ETC. Albany Law Journal. 26 vols, and Index. $40.0 American Law Register. New Series. 18 vols. 36.C American Reports. Vols, i to 40, with Digest and Index. 115.C Catalogue of the Advocates' Library. Edin- burgh. 9 vols. Quarto, boards. 30.C Central Law Journal. 15 vols. Half black calf. 45.C English Admiralty Reports. (American reprint.) Jurist (The). Complete. 55 vols. iio.c Jacob's Fisher's Digest. 9 vols. 20.C Law Times. Vols, i to 43. Folio, cloth. (Vols, i to 3 .1 contain reports of cases prior to the commencement of The Law Reporter.) loo.c Massachusetts Reports. 135 vols. Moak's English Reports. Vols, i to 20, and Index. 40.C Moore's Indian Appeals. 14 vols. Half calf, iio.c National Bankruptcy Register. iS vols. 36.C Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States. 14 vols, and Digest. 35.C Pennsylvania Session Laws. Full set, from 1801 to 18S3. Newly bound in sheep. 150-C Peters' U. S. Supreme Court Reports. 16 vols. 12.C Petersdorff's Abridgment of English Re- ports. 20 vols. 12. < Scottish Poor Law Magazine. 24 vols. 96.C United States Digest. Full set, latest edition. 29 United States Digest. New Series, 1870-83. 14 vols. 45. < Viner's Abridgment of English Reports. (A good condensation of the English Reports to 1820.) 30 vols. 3o.( ENGLISH REPOETS. [If you wish any other combination of reports, Mr. Soule can probably furnish it at low rates. The editions are the latest English, and the condition good second-hand, unless otherwise specified.] $5.00 for 6 vols. — Robinson (Admiralty). 5.00 for 6 vols. In 3. — Maddock (V. C). American edition. 6.00 for 15 vols. In 6. — Price, &c. (Exch.). Condensed American edition. 8.00 for 8 vols. — Taunton (C. P.j. 10.00 for 16 vols. — East (K. B.). In boards. 10.00 for 7 vols. — Brown's Pariiamentary Cases. Dub- lin edition. 13.00 for 19 vols. In 13. — Simons and Stuart, 2 vols , and Simons, 17 vols. American reprint. 1 5.00 for 12 vols. — Modem (K. B ). I6.00 for 8 vols. — Comyn's Digest. Day's edition. 18.00 for 12 vols. — Chancery Reports : Peere Williams, 3 vols. ; Atkyns, 3 vols. ; Swanston, 3 vols. ; Merivale, 3 vols. 18.00 for 9 vols. — English Statutes to 1769. Quarto. 20.00 for 4. vols. — Crown Cases: Dearsly, Dearsly and Bell, Bell, Leiah and Cave. 20.00 for 24 vols. — Adolphus and Ellis (K. B.), 12 vols. ; and Adolphus and Ellis (Q. B.), vols, i to 12. 24.00 for 16 vols. — Meeson and Welsby (Exch.). Amer- ican reprint. 26.00 for 26 vols. — Irish Law and Equity Reports (183S- 1850). 30.00 for 9 vols. — Irish Chancery Sugden : Lloyd and Gould; Drury and Warren, 4 'vols. : Drury; Jones and La Touch e, 3 vols. 30.00 for 40 vols. — English Law and Equity Reports. Complete set. 40.00 for 22 vols. — Chancery Reports, as follows : Jacob and Walker, 2 vols. ; Jacob ; Turner and Russell ; Rus- sell, 5 vols. ; Russell and Mvlne, 2 vols. ; Mylne and Craig, 5 vols. ; Craig and Phillips ; Phillips, 2 vols. ; Mylne and Keen, 3 vols. 40.00 for 4 vols. — Patent Cases: Davies ; Webster, 2 vols. ; Macrory. 40.00 for 17 vols. — Ecclesiastical : Lee, 2 vols. ; Haggard (Consist.), 2 vols. ; Phillimore, 3 vols. ; Addams, 3 vols. ; Haggard (Eccl.), 4 vols. ; Curteis, 3 vols. 40.00 for 21 vols. — Vice-Chancellors: Simons and Stuart, 2 vols. ; Simons, 17 vols. ; Simons (N. S.), 2 vols. 44.00 for I I vols. — Hare (Exchequer). Original edition. 48.00 for 32 vols. — CP.: Bosanquet and Puller, 5 vols. ; Taunton, 8 vols. ; Broderip and Bingham, 3 vols. ; Bing- ham, 10 vols. ; Bingham's New Cases, 6 vols. 60.00 for 40 vols. — K. B. : Dyer, 3 vols. ; Saunders, 3 vols.; Modem, 12 vols.; East, 16 vols, (boards); Maule and Selwyn, 6 vols'. 60.00 for 22 vols. — Chancery : Vesey, Jr. English edition. 60.00 for 10 vols. — Railways : Railway and Canal Cases, 7 vols. ; Neville and Macnamara, 3 vols. 70.00 for 20 vols. — Chancery: Charies Sumner's Ameri- can edition of Vesey, Jr. 75.00 for 30 vols. — Nisi Prius : Espinasse, 6 vols. ; Campbell, 4 vols. ; Starkie, 3 vols ; Dowling and Ryland ; Carnngtou and Payne, 9 vols. ; Carrington and Marsh- man ; Holt : Gow ; Ryan and Moody : Moody and Mal- kin ; Moodv and Robinson, 2 vols. 80.00 for 56 vols. - K. B. : Bamewall and Alderson. 5 vols. ; Barnewall and Cresswell, 10 vols. ; Barnewall and Adolphus, 5 vols.; Adolphus and Ellis, 12 vols.; Queen's Bench, 18 vols. 100.00 for 39 vols — C. P. Collateral: Marshall, 2 vols. : Moore, 12 vols. ; Moore and Payne, 5 vols. ; Aloore and Scott, 4 vols. ; Scott, 8 vols. ; Scott (N. S.), 8 vols. I I 1.00 for 37 vols. — Exchequer : M'Cleland and Vounge ; Younge and Jervis, 3 vols. ; Crompton and Jervis, 2 vols. ; Cromplon and Meeson, 2 vols. ; Crompton, Meeson, and Roscoe, 2 vols.; Meeson and Welsby, 16 vols.; Ex- chequer, II vols. SOME SPECIMEN TEIALS. Browne and Stewart's Trials for Murder by Poi- soning. Cloth. London. 18S2. $3.5° Burke's Celebrated Trials relating to the Aristoc- racy, in the relations of Private Life. Cloth. London, 1849. 7.50 Celebrated Trials of all Countries, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence. Cloth. Philadelphia, 1847. 2.50 Coke Ui/ias Cooke) and Woodburne. For Nose-slit- ting Folio, paper. London, 1722. 2.00 Cowper (C. T.). Trial of the Dynamitards. Cloth. Edinburgh, 1S84. 2.75 Derwentwater (James, Earl of) and others. For Treason. Folio, paper. London, 1716. 2.00 Francia (Francis). Treason. Folio, paper. London, 1717. 2.00 Fuller's Noted French Trials: Impostors and Adventurers. Cloth. Boston, 1SS2. 1.00 Howell's State Trials. 34 vols. Halfcalf. London. 115.00 Jardine's Criminal Trials. 2 vols. Half calf. Lon- don, 1832. 6 00 Layer (Christopher). Treason, Folio, paper. Lon- don. 1722. J. 00 Mordaunt Divorce Case (with the Prince of Wales' letters). Paper. London, 1S70. 1.50 O'Connell (Daniel) and others. Conspiracj-. Cloth. Dublin, 1S44. 5.00 Palmer ( William). Poisoning. The " Times " Report. Illustrated. Paper. London, 1S56. 2.00 Queen^v. Batcheldor. Habeas Corpus. Paper. Sacheverell (Dr. Henry). Misdemeanors. Folio, paper. London, 1710. 2.00 Somerset (Earl of ). Poisoning. Amos' Report. Cloth. London, 1S46. 3.50 State Tryals. First edition, with Supplements. 8 vols. Folio, calf. London, 1719-35. 25.00 Townsend's Modern State Trials. 2 vols. Cloth. London, 1850. 10.00 Webster (Professor). For the Murder of Dr. Park- man. Bemis' Report. Sheep. Boston, 1850. 5.00 Wintoun (George, Earl of). Treason. Folio, paper. Telverton Divorce Case. Illustrated. Unabridged ediiion. Paper. London, n. d. 1,50 lJ^"Also a large number of other interesting Trials, at moderate prices. CHEAP TEXT-BOOKS. American Leading Cases. 2 vols. 1847. $3.0 Angell on Carriers. 1857. i.: Angell on Highways. 1S57. i.c Bacon's Abridgment. 7 vols. Dublin, 1793. y.c Bishop's Criminal Law. 2 vols. 1868. 7.C Bishop's Criminal Procedure. 2 vols. 1872. 8.c Bisset on Partnership. 1S47. i.t Bouvier's Law Dictionary. 2 vols. 1875. 8.c Brown on Fixtures. Cloth. 1875. 2.c Brown's Medical Jurisprudence. 1871. 2.0 Bump on Bankruptcy. 1874. 2.c Burns' J ustice of the Peace. Chitty's edition. 6 vols. London, 1,^37. 5.C Burrill on Circumstantial Evidence. 1868. 4.; Chitty's Collection of Statutes. 3 vols. London, 1S51. 4.; Coke upon Littleton. 3 vols. London, 1794. 7.; Conkling's Admiralty. 2 vols. 1S57. 5.C Curtis on Copyright. Boards. 1847. 2.c Curtis on Merchant Seamen. 1841. 2.c Curtis' United States Courts. 1S54. i.: Daniell's Chancery Practice. 3 vols. 1846. 4-; Davis' Massachusetts Criminal Justice. 1S53. 3.C Drake on Attachment. 1858. i.i Flanders on Fire Insurance. 1S71. 2.c Grant on Banking. 1857. i.t Greenleaf on Evidence. 3 vols. 1S76. 12.C Greenwood's Real Property Statutes. London, 1S78. 2.C Harston's California Practice. 1S77. 2.c Hilliard on Real Property. 2 vols. 1S69. 6.c Kent's Commentaries, loth ed. 4 vols. lo.c Kneeland on Mechanics' Liens. (N. Y.), 1S76. 2.c Lube's Equity Pleading. 1S40. i.c Mason's New England Practice. 18S0. 3.; Marshall on Insurance. 2 vols. 1810. 1.5 Morris on Replevin. 1S49. Parsons on Contracts. 3 vols. 1866. g.l Phillips' Practice in U. S. Supreme Court. 1S72. 1.1 Prideaux's Precedents in Conveyancing. 2 vols. London, 1876. 4.C Phillips on Mechanics' Liens. 1S74. 4.; Pothier on Obligations. Translated by Evans, j vols. 1S53. , 7.< Rawle on Covenants for Title. 1S52. i.; Redfield on Railways. 2 vols. 1869. 4.1 Redfield on Wills. 2 vols. .866. 6.; Reeve's Domestic Relations. 1S74. 4.C Roberts on Admiralty. 1869. 4.C Rutherforth's Institutes of Natural Law. Sedgwick's Cases on Damages. 187S. 4.! Sharpstein's Digest of Life Insurance. 1872. i.< Smith's Chancery Practice. 2vols. London, 1837. 2 c Starkie on Evidence. iS6q. 4 c Story's Equity Jurisprudence. 2 vols. 1S61. 5.C Thatcher's U. S. Court Practice. 18S2. 4.C Waterman's Eden on Injunctions. 2 vols. 1852. 6.( Wheaton's Selwyn's Nisi Prius. 3 vols. 1853. 2.c Wheeler's Abridgment of American Common Law Cases. SnoIs. 1833. lo.c Charles C. Soule, 26 Pemherton Square, Boston, Mass,