Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/58

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8 SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. LENOX (MASS.) ACADEMY. Williams College, May 18, 1885. I do not hesitate to express my confidence in tliis school as one of unusual excellence. Ex-President Mark Hopkins. Williams College, May 18, 188,5. I have great pleasure in testifying to the sotmd scholarship and excellent management of the Principal of the Lenox Academy. I know also that his teachers are of the best, and that the in- fluence of the home-life on the inmatesof his family is elevating ; and I cordially recommend the school to any who are looking for a quiet intellectual atmosphere and sound training for their sons. President Franklin Carter. For prospectus and testimonials, address HARLAN H. BALLAKD, Piincipa], Lenox, Mass. BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL, 10 ASHBURTON PLACE, BOSTON. Circulars, giving full information, sent upon application to EDMUND H. BENNETT, Dean. St. Louis Law School. Law Dei>arti»ient of Washington University, 1417 Lucas Place, St. Louis, Mo. The nineteenth year of this well-known School will begin October 14, 1885. The course may be completed in two or three years, at the student's option. The advantages of a Law School located in a great city where courts are always in session, and legal business of every kind may daily be seen in actual practice, are obvious. No place in the West offers these advan- tages in so large a measure as St. Louis. A regular Moot Court will be held weekly throughout the year by the Dean, with General Terms, from time to time, for the hearing of appealed cases by other members of the Faculty. Instruction is also given in Elocution. The Law Library belonging to the School consists of upwards of 3,500 volumes, and is open to the student throughout every day and evening, except on Sunday. The School is open upon equal terms to students from all parts of the United States, and the course of instruction is intended to prepare them for practice in any State. The tuition fee is $80 per year, and is the only charge made by the School. Information as to prizes and scholarships will be found in the annual catalogues, for which address WILLIAM C. HAMMOND, LL.D., Dean. Anno uncement Erfraordinary. THE EASTERlT REPORTER. JOHN T. COOK, Attornev-at-Law (of Albany), Editor, AND A CORPS OF COMPETENT ASSISTANTS. All the Opinions of the Courts of last resort, as soon as they are filed, notliing omitted (the State Reports not reporting ALL the cases), of Maine, Massacliusetts, New York, New Hampsliire, Kliode Island, New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania ; In weekly parts of 50 to 75 pages, commencing August i, 1885, at a subscription of |io.oo per year, payable in advance; being only about $1.00 a State for all the opinions, with a full state- ment of the case ; being from 2,000 to 2,500 opinions per annum, and making about 4,500 pages of heavy printed matter. IN REGULAR LAW BOOK FORM; NO DOUBLE COLUMNS OF FINE TYPE. Making at least four, and possibly five, volumes of 800 to goo pages a year. A volume will be closed at each 800 or 900 pages, with a full Index and Table of Cases. Numbers will be bound for #1.00 per volume. Price of bound volumes, to those not subscribing for year's subscription to weekly numbers, $3.50 per volume. This publication is intended to supply a long-felt want in this section of the country, and the importance of the decisions of the courts einbraced therein insure it a place among the most needed, and standard, legal publications of the country. It is the purpose of the publishers to place within the reach of the profession the decisions of the courts in full ; and being ui advance of the regular reports, they will become indispensable to the active practitioner and to the courts themselves ; enabliiig both to keep abreast of the law as adjudged. Orders should be addressed to the publishers, WILLIAM COULD, Jr., & CO., Law Publishers, No. 68 STATE STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. Bg*^ Specimen numbers sent on application. Important Law Books jo; IF A]^jr> OLD. JONES ON CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. By , Leonard A. Jones. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. $6.50. "A model in all that makes a useful practical book of ref- erence for a busy profession." — A merican Law Review. It will prove an invaluable assistant." — Albany Law Journal. JONES ON MORTGAGES. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Real Property. By Leonard A. Jones. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. $13.00. " We have at last an American work on mortgages prepared with competent ability and intelligence, and arranged with thoughtful method." — T. M. Coolev, Chief Justice of Michi- gan. JONES ON PLEDGES AND COLLATERAL SECU RITI ES. The Law of Pledges and Collateral Securi- ties. By Leonard A. Jones. 8vo. ¥6.50. " We regard it as a most valuable contribution to our legal literature, and are confident that it will meet with a very fa- vorable reception from the legal profession throughout the whole country." — John Norton Pomeroy, LL.D., /?i /"fe West Coast Reporter. JONES ON RAILROAD SECURITIES. A Treatise on the Law of Railroad and other Corporate Securi- ties, including also Municipal Aid Bonds. By Leonard A. Jones. 8vo. $6.50. " A very complete, accurate, and useful work. It exhausts the special subjects to which it is devoted. I have not been able to discover a single reported case relating to these sub- jects that has escaped the industry and research of the learned author." — Judge Dillon. JONES ON FORMS IN CONVEYANCING. A Treatise on Forms in Conveyancing, comprising Precedents for ordinary use and clauses adapted to special and unusual Cases. With practical Notes. 8vo. {In press.) Some of the Subjects of these forms are the following: Acknowledgments, Agreements, Appointments, Apprentice- ship, Arbitration, Powers of Attorney, Bonds, Compositions with Creditors, Conditions of Sale, Declarations of Trust, Deeds, Guaranty, Leases, Licenses, Mortgages of Real, Per- sonal, and Railroad Property, Notices, Partition, Partnership, Party- Wall, Patents, Pledges and Collateral Trusts, Railroads, Settlements, Trusts, Wills, &c. JONES ON LIENS. A Treatise on Liens at Common Law and by Statute, Equitable and Marine. 8vo, (/« press) Among the particular liens treated of are those of Attorneys, Banks, Carriers, Corporations, Innkeepers, Laborers, Mechan- ics, Vendors of Real Property, Vendors of Personal Property, Stoppage in Transitu, &c., &c. BENJAMIN ON SALES. A Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property ; with references to the American Decisions and to the French Code and Civil Law. By J. P. Benjamin, Q, C, of Lincoln's Inn. Fourth Ameri- can from the latest English Edition. Edited by Edmund H. Bennett. 8vo. $6.50.' "The fact that this edition is prepared by the Hon. Ed- mund H. Bennett is a sufficient guaranty of the thoroughness of the work, and that the notes and additional authorities cited can be relied upon. ' Benjamin on Sales ' has become indis- pensable to every practising lawyer." — Bostoji Post. POMEROY'S CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. An Introduction to the Constitutional Law of the United States. Especially designed for the use of Students, General and Professional. By John Norton Pomeroy, LL.D. 8vo. $4.50. An excellent book, written with great perspicuity and ac- curacy of style, full, clear, and precise, and admirably con- structed for the use of students, general and professional." — Horace Binney, 'L'L.Vi., Philadelphia. REDFIELD ON CARRIERS. The Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers; also the Construction, Re- sponsibility, and Duty of Telegraph Companies, the Respon- sibility and Duty of Innkeepers, and the Law of Bailments. By Isaac F. Redfield, LL.D. 8vo. $5.50. MASSACHUSETTS REPORTS. Being Re- ports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judi- cial Court of Massachusetts. In 35 octavo volumes. Com- prising Vols. 91-125. Price for the set, #113.75. THE REPORTER. A Weekly Journal of Ad- vance Law Reports. Edited by Howard Ellis. Terms: $5.00 a volume, or $10.00 a year, postage free ; single numbers, ^" I have been familiar with 'The Reporter' from its start, and am a constant reader of its contents. I regard it as the most comprehensive, compact, and valuable magazine for the active practising lawyer now published in this or any other country." — Hon. Edmund H. Bennett. JOHN MARSHALL. By Allan B. Magruder. Volume XII. in "American Statesmen " Series. i6mo. Gilt top. $1.25. " The book, containing extracts from some of the most im- portant of Judge Marshall's speeches and decisions, will have especial interest for lawyers and for students of constitutional history." — Boston Advertiser.

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A J ANNUAL FALL CATALOGUE IK mm now ready. ' A Grand Collection of Choice New fl^BII and Old Books. The Best English Editions, magnificently illustrated books, &c., &c., at sweeping reductions from regular prices. A rare chance for pri- vate buyers. Mailed free on receipt of postal card. ESTES & LAURIAT, Publishers, BOSTON MASS.