Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/63

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SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 3 RECENT AND USEFUL ENGLISH LAW BOOKS. Mr. Soule has imported in quantities, and can offer at the low prices named, the following recent English treatises, etc. The binding is cloth, unless otherwise stated, and the prices are invariably net. Admiralty, etc. — Carver on Carriage of Goods by Sea $9.00 Newson on Merchant Shipping. 2d edition . . . 3.50 Advocacy. — Harris's Hints (7th edition of this excellent book) . . . i.;^ Bankruptcy. — Morell's Reports of Cases, Vols. I. and H. Half calf, each 5.50 Criminal Law. — Browne and Stewart's Trials for Poisoning .... 3.30 Cooper's Trial of the Glasgow Bank Directors . . . 2.50 Mews's Digest of Criminal Cases. Half calf . . . 5.00 Pike's History of Crime. 2 vols c.qq Deeds, Interpretation of. — Elphinstone. Half calf 6.50 Equity. — H. A. Smith's Practical Exposition of the Principles of Equity (an admirable book) 5, 00 Extradition. — Kirchner (Extradition Laws of all nations, in French) . 7.50 Humor. — Mr. Bumpkin's Lawsuit, by Harris .tp Shirley's Leading Cases made Easy. New edition .... 3.00 International Law. — Bar (Private and Criminal). Half calf . . . 6.50 Leading Cases. — Haynes's Students' Leading Cases. 2d edition . . 4.00 Lexicon. — Rawson's Pocket Law Lexicon 1.30 Mines and Minerals. — MacSwinney 8.00 Negligence. — Horace Smith. 2d edition 3.30 Patents, etc. — Goodeve's Reports of Patent Cases. Sheep .... 8.00 Monro on the Patents and Trade-Marks Act 3.00 Sebastian on Trade-Marks. 2d edition 5 00 Slater on Copyright and Trade-Marks 5.00 Terrill on Letters Patent for Inventions 6.00 Wallace on the Patents, etc. Act 2.50 Trusts. — Lewin. 8th edition. Half calf 13-50 COKE IN RHYME. In 1742 was published, anonymously, a thin duodecimo (since twice reprinted), entitled "The Reports of Sir Edw. Coke, Kt., in Verse." The publisher prefaces the volume thus : " An ancient manuscript of the following verses falling accidentally into my hands, the publication thereof needs little apology, when it is considered these lines may at the same time not only refresh the memory, and instruct, but also afford a pleasing recreation to gentlemen of the law, and others, by showing them in narrow compass a copious and learned body of the law." A few extracts from this unique publication will show into what narrow space the author conipiessed several famous cases. Part I. Case IX. Shelley: ISaijrrr ancestors a ftcfijolU taRc: m-z iDn-Bs (hu heirs) a limitation make. Twine : DuMPOR: Part III. Case XVIII. fficntral gift faitfj Ijanging sccrccg STrust fiiun- still posscst, cobtn implg. Part IV. Case XXIX. (ffonHttion ItsBCE altcn not, l^or toit|)Dut leabc assigns, gone Icabc once Part V. Case XCV. Semayne: {gpn extent bg subject, Ijouse SEo break, tl)c lahi not to tljc sijdcbc allotos. Part VIII. Case II. Calye : Emtijollicr toitjj Ijorse stol'n at jjasturc Not djargcti, if put bg orJcr of tl}c master. Part VIII. Case XXXVIII. Six Carpenters : gmiicre tlje Into entrg gibes, 5E' abuse it, trespass ab initio is. Part XI. Case IX. Pigott : EE of been bg nsurc bacatcB STijc obligor mag non est factutu plraU. Without venturing to criticise these verses as statements of law, it may be reinarked, on the literary side of their merits, that they read rather more like cipher telegrams than like poetry. 180 VOLUMES OP ENGLISH REPORTS POR $100. The following lot of frequently cited reports, in fair second-hand condition, in the old bindings, is offered for One hundred dollars. This is an excellent chance for county libraries, law schools, or lawyers who want the best English reports on their shelves. House of Lords. — Brown, 7 vols. Chancery. — Cases in Chancery, 3 parts in i vol. ; Atkvxs, 3 vols. ; Ambler, 2 parts in i vol. ; Maddock, 6 vols, iir 3; Simons and Stuart, 2 vols. ; Simons, 17 vols, in 8; Simons, New Series, 2 vols. King's Bench. — Plowden, 2 vols. ; Coke's Reports, abridged, I vol. ; Yelver- ton, I vol. ; Saunders, 3 vols ; Modern, 12 vols. ; W. Blackstone, 2 vols. ; Burrow, 5 vols. ; Cowper, 2 vols, in i ; Durxford . d East, 8 vols. ; East, 16 vols. ; Maule and Selwyn, 6 vols, in 2. Common Pleas. — Wilso.n, 3 vols. ; Wu.les, i vol. ; H. Bi ackstone, 2 vols. ; Bosanquet and Puller, 5 vols. ; Taunton, 8 vols. ; Moore, 12 vols. Exchequer. — Price, Wightwick, and McCleland, 15 vols, in 6. Ecclesiastical. — English Ecclesiastical Reports, 18 vols, in 7. Admiralty. — C. Rouinson, 6 vols. ; Edwards, i vol. Crown Cases. — Foster, i vol. Nisi Prius. — Espinasse, 6 vols.; Campbell, 4 vols.; Starkie, 2 vols. All together, iSo volumes (bound in 144) for S'oo, cash. Fifty Cents and a Dollar a Volume — Out of the above lot, those printed in italics can be sold separately for fifty cents per volume, those printed in small capitals, for one dollar per volume. hi addition to the above, Mr. Soule has in stock, new or second-ha7id, most of the English Reports conimonly used and cited in America, for which he will quote prices on application. GOOD MANUALS FOR LAW STUDENTS. Among the best books a student can use are, — Ewell's Essentials of the Law. — Vol. I. is a "Pocket Blackstone," con- taining, in very compact shape, everything in Blackstone's Commentaries not actually obsolete. Vol. II. is a terse but thorough statement of the principles of Contracts, Pleadings, and Equity. Indermaur's Leading Common Law Cases. — k the cases in " Sinith's Leading Cases" are here abstracted, with notes, and with broad margins for manuscript notes. Shirley's Leading Cases made Easy. — This is a larger book, written in a quaint and humorous style, which renders it unusually interesting, and fi.xes the cases in the memory. A new edition will be ready. May i. Best's Principles of Evidence, Chamberlayne's Edition. — This par- ticular edition of Best has peculiar value for the student, and is so far supe- rior to other editions and to other works that it is supplanting them all in the law schools. Heard's Principles of Equity Pleading. — This is the clearest and plainest exposition of the subject among all the books. Brown's Elements of Domestic Relations. — Mr. Irving Brown's suc- cessful lectures before the Albany Law School are embodied in this little volume. For prices, see inside page of cover of this paper. A NEW TREATISE ON FARM LAW. Mr. Soule published, in February, 1886, The Law concerning Farms, Farmers, and Far.m Laborers : together with the Game Laws of all the States. By Henry Austin, Esq., of the Boston Bar. A crown octavo volume of about three hundred pages. Price, in cloth, g2.oo net ; in sheep, $2.50 net. The contents are : — Chapter I. The Farmer and his Laborer. II. Landlord and Tenant. III. Domestic Animals. IV. Warranty of Soundness of Animals V. Manure. VI. Sale of Crops and Timber. VII. Liability for Damage caused by Fire. VIll. General Principles of the Law as to Real Property. IX. Private and Public Ways. X. Boun- daries and Fences. XI. Overhanging Trees. XII. Water Rights. XIII. Right to Collect Sea- Weed. XIV. Game Laws. Appendix: Requirements as to Acknowledgments, etc., of Deeds throughout the United States. The Chicago Legal News says of this new book, " The author's style is lucid, fresh, and entertaining." The Albany Law Journal calls it " a very concise and well-arranged manual, and sufficiently exhaustive." The Daily Law Record of Boston says: "The work shows a decided talent for stating legal propositions in a clear, interesting, and forcible manner. It will meet with favor from the profession."