Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/82

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HE LAWTEBS CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY, SPECIAL Definitive Announcement. This Company goes to press this montii with the NEW YORK CHANCERY REPORTS. With copious notes, digested citations, parallel refer- ences, consolidated indexes, and tables of cases, At $1.00 per original volume, delivered. This Edition will consist of JOHNSON'S Ch. 7 vols. EDWAKDS'S Ch. 4 vols. HOPKINS'S . . 1 " HOFFMAN'S 1 " PAIGE'S ... 11 " CLARKE'S . . 1 " BARBOUR'S . 3 " SANDFORD'S . 4 " IN OUR UNPMALLELED REFERENCE LAW- BOOK FORIVI, Printed on pure white paper, with sharp, new, dark- faced brevier type. With the exception of the most careful revision, correction, re-reporting of two volumes (10 and 11 Paige), and th.e addition of the new consolidated in- dexes and tables of cases, and all the additional time and labor saving helps, such as are found so useful in our New York Common Law set, they will be a re- print of the official edition, copyright thereof having expired. We are, of course, not hampered in these correc- tions and additions by the use of old stereotype plates. In 1883, in announcing its edition of tiie New York Common Law Reports, this Company incidentally stated that these Chancery Reports would follow ; whereupon the old publishers called out, " Don't shoot, Mr. Crockett, I'll come right down." Our patrons and co-operatives are not satisfied, however, with the coming down, nor with anything less than the freshness and excellence of our own work. The 32 volumes, together tvith the Difjest, will be contained in 8 books of uniform size, in elegant style and best binding, and sold to early subscribers at $35,00, and the Digest separate for $3.00, payable on delivery of each book- Let all tvho feel an interest in co- (qieration and self-iirotection send their orders imniediateli/ on reading this. STATE REPORTS. In Weekly Nitmbers. Official Editions amount to 33 to 45 vol- umes pey a}inutn : COST, in aggregate, oi er $l'i5.00. All for $15.00 per year. New England Reporter : MAINE, Supreme Judicial Court. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Supreme Court. VERMONT. Supreme Court. MASSACHUSETTS. Supreme Jutlicial Court. KHOI>E ISLAND, Supreme Court. CONNECTICUT, Supreme Court of Errors. Central Reporter: NEW YORK, Court of Appeals. NEW JERSEY, Svip. Ct., Ct. of App. and Ct. of Ch., etc. PENNSYLVANIA. Supreme Court. BELAWARE, Sup. Ct. and Ct. of Err. & App. MARYLAND, Court of Appeals. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Sup. Court. Western Reporter : MICHIGAN, Supreme Court. OHIO, Supreme Court. INDIANA, Supreme Coux-t. ILLINOIS, Supreme Court. MISSOURI, Supreme Coui t. FULL AND COMPLETE REPORTS OF ALL THE DECISIONS OF THE COURTS, ' " ' I ' ! I ' ' 1 1 ;iving tlip bulk of the commercial business of i: II ' nut of the District of Columbia, while other- "I- "I I 1 i:nik to the others, has the only jurisdiction of a]Jl]l•al^ tioiii till' Cummis-sioner of Patents and of proceedings agamst public officers of the United States Government. Price, per Year, in weekly parts, three separate series, %b, payable in instalments, if preferred. Single Numbers, '25 cents. Either Reporter, Cash with Order, $5 Ul). Back volumes, 1,000 pages. full indexes, tables of cases and of reference, enabling- the user to cite the omcial volume, if preferred, bound in best law sheep, $5.00 each, equal to five ordinary -volumes of Law Reports. 'Ihe three Reporters are separate and distinct, and are in- dexed and bound separately, each forming a permanently valuable series of State Reports. Please note the economy of beginning now. The bare opinion, while a sine qua non, is not a report of the case, and is never so intended by the court. We seek to ^ive and compel the best editorial work, in the best form, at prices which will barely cover cost. All speculation or speculative features are studiously excluded from our plans. perfect, it is not mechanical. N.B.— The Distinguisliing Features of our Reports are: I Careful Syllabi, with full-faced topical words. 2. Full and clear statement of facts. 3. Complete synopses of briefs of counsel. 4. Complete and uniform weekly indexes by propositions, in- stead of mi-re " citch ■i-c.ids," whereljy cases arc often buried out of sight 'cji iihiiiili-. iiiiiji volume indexes and digests resurrect them. ■'). (.'i)ih ! Ill I II II U'ross- references to similar eases. 6. Imlrx till ill . I I II, j)nnciple of decision, and premises or argument oi . n u d. ri inn, and each point dupUcated or referred to under evt-ry api'i'oinjate suljject. 7. Index to propositions of law in briefs of counsel. N. B.— Each point in each brief of argument of counsel is fully indexed in the Supplemental Index, — a feature never before at- tempted,— thus givmg access not only to all the points and prin- ciples considered by the court, but also to the far larger number contained in argument. 8. Indexes to notes. 9. Index to Constitutions and Statutes cited and construed, arranged chronologically and indicating the topic of each. 10. Double columns and style of printing, which reduces the bulk to one fourth or one fifth, notwithstanding our additions of abstracts of briefs, and the indexes thereto, thereby not only propoi-ti.mallv saving cost of binding, but reducing the handling in m~i- Io ilif iniiMiinnii. 11. 'lahl' 11 '■ I ' - HI 'I iii'i I III li 111(1 tallies of statutes, more conipl- •• ■ . • |... i • m i usual. li. Ainiii I I II 11 I i I -I resort —and full facilities iiii . I. II. I -nil - i:ii, rii,.~ as fivst as published. All the Decisions of 31 Courts of Highest Juris- diction in 16 of the Older States and the District of Columbia promptly and thoroughly reported. Our editorial staff consists of several of the State Re- porters, Ex-Supreme Court Judges, and, at the home editorial rooms, Mr. Robert Desty, Mr. .Tames E. Briggs, Mr Edmund H. Smith, Mr. Charles A. Ray, Mr. Ste- plien K Williams, Mr. Albert B. Guilbert, Mr. Peter Kemi)er. Jr., Mr. Burdette A. Rich, and several other gentlemen of high accomplishments. Annual Subscriptions for December, 1886, begin with Volumes 3 New England, 4 Central, and 6 Western. Siimple numbers and testimonials furnished free on application. OTHER PUBLICATIONS. Limited Subscription Edition — not stereo- typed — of the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT REPORTS. 117 Volumes in 29 Books. Royal 8vo. In best reference law-boot form. Printed in double columns on white, strong paper, vfitli sliarp, new, dark-faced type. This edition is fully annotated, and embraces the whole work of the Court, revised and corrected, wiih tables of cases, citations, parallel references, etc., making the ONLY COMPLETE UNIFORM UN CON- DENSED ANNOTATED EDITION EX- TANT OR PROPOSED. Net Price, delivered free, $5.00 per book; $1.25 per original volume. Continued from year to year hereafter by what may be known as THE U. S. SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNUAL. OUR GENERAL INDEXED DIGEST of the above 117 volumes, together with so much of the 118th volume as brings it to the beginning of the present (18813) term, is now in press, and the first volume will be published soon. EACH PARAGRAPH IS INDEXED WITHIN ITSELF, and the Digest is fLirnislicd with tables of cases, digested and cited, cross references, etc., and other- wise rendered of more than ordinary value. Sample pages on application. Price, $10.00 tiet — $5.00 per volume. NEW YORK COMMON LAW REPORTS. Limited Subscription Edition. No Plates. Printed from new, sharp, dark-faced type. Fully and carefully annotated, with digested citations and parallel references to date. 80 volumes in 17 books Royal 8vo. Price, $1.00 per original volume, as follows : Coleman .... 1 vol. Anthon . . .1 vol. Coleman &Caines 1 " Yates 1 " Johnson's Cases 3 " Lockwood . . . 1 " Caines 3 " Cowen 0 " Caines's Cases . 8 " Wendell . . . . 20 " Johnson . . . . 20 " Hill 7 " Denio . . . . 5 vols. Oftener cited as authority in the published opin- ions of the judges throughout the country than any other Reports of New York or any other State. Indispensable as settling the law upon many of the most important subjects, not only of New York, but as furnishing the foundation for the same in all other States. This edition is so cheap, and contains so much that saves time and labor, that it becomes unneces- sary for the practitioner of even the smallest means to either borrow or go without. INDEXED DIGEST OF THE ABOVE 80 VOLUMES, Covering also editorial notes to the La-wyers' Edi- tion, giving volume and page of both old and new editions, with reference to points consideied, and page of Digest. One volume, 1,100 pages. Uniform with om- edition of the series. Price, $5.00, net. Delivery al-tvays Free. The foregoing U. S. Supreme Court Reports and N. Y. Common Law Reports and the N. Y. Chancery Reports, with their Digests, together ith the current State Decisions as iiublished in the New England, Central, ami Western Reporters, constitute the s/ne (7»a »o)i of an every-day orking library anywhere in the United States, and, as will be seen, cost comparatively nothing. Samples free. Correspondence invited. THE LAWYERS CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Rochester, N. Y.