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SOULE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD OiVERSITY. Three years' course. Five professors. Library of more tliau 23,000 volumes. All other instruction given in the University is open to law students free of charge. Examination papers and circulars will be sent on appli- cation to J. H. AKNOLD, Librarian, Cambridge, Mass. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF LAW. Two years' course. Five full professors. Large corps of non-resident lecturers. Special advantages to gradu- ate students. For announcement containing full par- ticulars address THE SECRETARY OP THE LAW FACULTY, Ithaca, N. Y. ilCHICAN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL For Catalogue, address HENRY WADE ROGEKS, Dean, Ann Arbor, Mich. LAW SCHOOL OF COLOiBlA OOLLECE. The plan of stuily comprises the various branches of connunn law, e(|uity, commercial, international, and CDiisUtutioiial law and medical jurisprudence. Circu- lars on application to Prof. T. W. DWIGHT, Warden. F. A. P. BARNARD, Lt.D., President, 49th St. and Madison Av., New York City. ALBAIY LAW SCHOOL Thirty-seventh year begins September 6, 1887. For Circulars or special information address HORACE E. SMITH, LI-.D., Dean, Albany, N. Y. NEW YORK UHiVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Twenty-ninth annual terra begins October 1, 1887. and ends June 1, 1888. A course of two terms is required for a degree. An allowance of not more than one year is made for previous study. For catalogues, circulars, examination papers, etc., apply to D. R. JAQIIES, Secretary of Law Faculty, Potter Building, 38 Park Kow, New York City. BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. For Circular containing full information, address EDMUND H. BENNETT, Dean, « 10 Ashburton Place, Boston. ST. LOOIS LAW SCHOOL Annual Session, i)ct()ln'r to ..Tune. Course completed in two or three year-, at option of .studeut. Admits to the Bar. Tuition .fSO per annum. For Catalogues, etc., address the Dean, WILLIAM G. HAMMOND, 1417 Lucas Place. YALE LAW SCHOOL Law Department of Yale University, sixty-fourth year, begins Thursday, September 29, 1887. For Circulars and full information address the Dean, Prof. FRANCIS WAYLAND, New Haven, Conn. UNION COLLEGE OF LAW, CHICAGO, ILL. The twenty-ninth collegiate year, thirty-six weeks, be- gins September 21. Diploma admits to the Bar of Illinois. For Circulars address HENRY BOOTH, 214 Opera-Hoiise Building, Chicago, lU, FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING HOUSE. 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. Reception and Wedding Invitations re- ceive our particular attention, and are fur- nished only in the best manner. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Gold Stub PENs.l.X;"n, Warranted IG Carat. by mail, post-paid. WINKLEY, DRESSER, & CO., 12 Milk Street - - - - BOSTON, MASS. UWYEl^'S DOCUMENT FILES. Reversible and Congress Tie Envelopes. Document Boxes, all sizes. Pamphlet Cases and Letter Files. Legal Blank Cases. Dictionary Holders. Desks, Bookcases, and Chairs, etc. W. W. 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