Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/95

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Legal Bibliography Published and Distributed Gratuitously at Irregular Intervals, by CHARLES C. SOULE, LAW BOOKSELLER, FREEMAN PLACE CHAPEL, ISi BEACON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. ( Mr. Soule, in addition to publishing and importing, buys ) i I and sells all kinds of law books, old as well as new. 1 February, 1888. HON. THERON METCALF, BORN 1784, DIED 1875. Lawyer, Reporter, Judge, and Author. LOOK WITHIN. Lawyers interested in books will find in this paper announcements of the publication of Jones's Index to Legal Periodicals; of a new edition, by Heard, of Metcalf on Contracts ; of the third and final volume of Ewell's Essentials of the Law; and of the first Biennial Supplement to Stim- son's American Statute Law. The very important series entitled Eng- lish Cases, announced in the last number of Legal Bibliography, is further described on page 7. Information is given as to important law books of recent date, — especially Schouler ON Wills, Wood's Railway Law, Stim- son's American Statute Law, and the new edition of Chitty's Equity Digest. The attention of thinking and reading lawyers is called to the Law Quarterly Review, — in many respects the best law magazine published in the English language. Readers with humorous tastes will be at- tracted by the description of a new illus- trated edition of The Comic Blackstone. Law students will be especially interested in Metcalf on Contracts and Ewell's Essentials. Six portraits and many paragraphs of ! legal news and comment relieve the some- 1 what dry and practical character of the other contents of this number. % uctD Hato ':Booh0 ^oiJt at tJjc loUjfBt net ta^iy prices. #ut:= offprint hooks a spccialtp. ilibrancs anU Eots of itatu •23oohs houQlyt at fair rates for rastj, or tahm in crcliangc. englisij, -^JritisjJ) Colonial, f rcncf), oBcrnian, anJj otijcr foreign 3taiM 25oofeB imported. C|)arles C. g^oule, jfreemau llace Cf)apel 35oston. jUass,