Page:Legends of Old Testament Characters.djvu/103

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Djemschid was the brother of Tahmourath; he was the first man to forge arms, and he is probably to be identified with Tubal-cain. He introduced also the use of pigments, and he discovered pearls, and also to dig for lime, vermilion, and quicksilver; he likewise compounded scents, and cultivated flowers. He divided all men into four classes,—soldiers, scribes, agriculturists, and artisans. At the head of all he placed the learned, that they might guide the affairs of men, and set them their tasks and instruct them in what they were to do.

Then Djemschid asked the wise men, "What must a king do to secure his throne?"

They answered, "He must reign in equity."

Consequently, Djemschid instituted justice; and he sat the first day of every month with his wise men, and ministered righteous judgments. For seven hundred years he continued this practice; and in all that time no rebellion broke out, no afflictions troubled him, nor was his reign in any way menaced.

One day, whilst Djemschid was taking his siesta alone in his chamber, Eblis entered by the window, and Djemschid asked, "Who art thou?" Now he thought he was one of those who waited without till he should come forth to administer justice. Eblis entered into conversation with Djemschid, and said, "I am an angel, and I have descended from heaven to give thee counsel."

"What counsel dost thou offer?" asked the king.

Eblis replied, "Tell me, who art thou?"

He answered, "I am one of the sons of Adam."

"Thou mistakest," said the Evil One: "thou art not a man. Consider, since thou hast reigned, has anything failed thee? Hast thou suffered any affliction, any loss, any revolt? If thou wert a son of Adam, sorrow would be thy lot. Nay, verily, thou art a god!"

"And what sign canst thou show me of my divinity?"

"I am an angel. Mortal man cannot behold an angel, and live."

Then he vanished. Djemschid fell into the snare of pride.

Next day he caused a great fire to be lighted, and he called together all men and said to them, "I am a god, worship me; I created heaven above and earth beneath; and those that refuse to adore me shall be consumed in the fire."

Then from fear of him many obeyed; and the same hour revolt broke out.