Page:Legends of Old Testament Characters.djvu/330

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Jacob, and it was preserved by the prophets. When this oil was poured on Saul's head and face, it made his skin brilliant and pure.

Now the prophets all came out of the tribe of Levi, and the tribe of Benjamin was despised greatly by the Israelites. And when they heard that their king was from that tribe, and was a water-carrier, they were angry and exclaimed, "Why shall he reign over us? We are as worthy to reign as he!"[1]

Samuel answered, "God gives power to whom He wills."

The Israelites said, "Show us a sign."

Samuel brought the sacred oil forth, and it boiled in the presence of Saul.[2]

But that did not suffice them. Then they asked another sign; and Samuel said, "The ark shall return."

And they lifted up their eyes, and lo! the ark was coming to them attached to the tails of two cows, and angels guided the cows.[3]

Then the children of Israel doubted no longer, but accepted Saul as their king.

Then said Samuel to the people: "The God of your fathers has sent me unto you, to promise you victory over the Philistines, and deliverance from your bondage, if you will turn and leave your evil ways."

"What shall we do," asked one of the elders, "that we may obtain the favour of God?"

Samuel answered, "Ye must pray to God alone, and offer no sacrifices to idols, nor eat the flesh of swine, or blood; neither must you eat anything which is not slaughtered in the name of the Most High. Ye must assist one another, honour your parents, entreat your wives with kindness, and support the widows, orphans, and poor. Ye shall believe in the prophets who have gone before me, especially in Abraham, for whom God turned a fiery pile into a pleasure garden; in Ishmael, whose neck God made as a flint-stone, and for whom He opened a fountain in the stony desert; and in Moses, who with his staff opened twelve clay paths through the sea. Also ye shall believe in the prophets who shall follow after me,

  1. Koran, Sura ii. v. 248.
  2. D'Herbelot, Bib. Orientale, t. i. p. 263.
  3. Tabari, i. p. 417.