Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/135

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 Department of State, 101 Department of the Treasury, 12, 23-24, 1105 Depreciation allowances, 20 Deputy Chief of Staff, for Air, 34, 43 Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller, 74 Deputy Chief of StaE for Personnel and Leatda- tlon, USAP, 72 Deputy Chief of -?taff, USAF, 68 Deputy Secretary of Defense, 63-64 Dbahran Air Transl)Ort Station, Director of the Air Service, 3-4 Director of the Bureau of the Budget, Director of CIA, 56 Directorate of the Budget of the Air l?orce, 60 Directorate o? Legislation and Liaiso? OSAFo ?3- 75, 80 Directorate o? Legislative Planning, AAF, Doelittle, Lt. Gert, James H,, 80 Drum ?o?rd, 7 Eaker, Lt. Gert. T_.'a C, 80 Early, Stephen T., 62 Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 46, 61-62 Educational Orders, 16-17 Eftson Air 1?oree Base, Eisenhower. Genera of the Army Dwieht D. 46. 53, 59 Executive and Army boards, Executive Office of the President, 64, 74 ExecutiVe order 2862, 3 Executive Order 8974, 49 Executive Order 9062, 42-43 Executive Order 95'/7, 60 Expansion pro?ram: 5-6, 9-10; 54-group pro,ram, 1?~12, 25, 30, materlel procurement phase, 13, Air Corps expansion in spring of 1941, 16, 20, the effect of Pipeline Act, 21-22; lag? before Pearl Harbor, 25; value of CAA program, 29: for WW II completed, 39, I10 l?ederal Aviation Coumai.?ion, ? l?ederal Civil Deferue Adrmni?trahon, 7? Fede? Ci?l Delete A?trator, ?9-80 Feder? Ho?g Authority (?), ?de? w? ballot, 91 50,000-pl?e goal, 18 5,500-plane program. 18 ?et?r, Thom? K, 106 ?ci?r Commit[on (?r Policy ?m?tee) ?v?year p?o?m, 5-6, 10= ?ht ?o?ion R?mh La?rato?, 102 ?h? su?eo?, ?3 ?g fiel&, 30 ? officers, 5, 8, 33 ? ?ay, 2, 5, 28, 33, 50, 86 ? Porte.el, I-2, 50 I?orreafal, James V.: 45-46; opposes tmiflcation, 53-55, as first See. of Defense, 69; conference on functions of armed forces, 60; first report, resignariel1, 106 ?he Forrest?Z Diar?es, 53 ?oxrestal-Pat?erson agreement, õ5 4?-Group Air ?oree, 103, ?ee postage, 91 General Advisory Committee, AEC, 76 General of the Army. 83 General Cotrose], USAF, 73 General Headquarters Air l?orce (GHQ Air ?'orce), 7-10. 34, 42, 58, General Staff, 4, 6-7, 42 George, Col Harold L, 36 German Air. Norco (GAP?, 34 German armies. ?4 German Blitakrieg, 14 German General ?taff, 34 ?overnment Life insurance, ?1-32 Guided reviles, ?9, 102 Gunnery schools, 30 H I-I?lsey, Adm Wilham ]?, 46 I?nsell, Brig. Gert. Heywood S, Jr., 44-45 liargroves, T. J., 59 Harvard L?W ,School. 89 Hay, Rep James, Hill, Sen. LMter, Hook, Clmrles R., 85 Hook Commisaon. Hoover, Ex-Presiden? Herbert, 61 Hoover Commission, 61-62, 54 House of Representatives: 9, 14, it, 12, 44, 49, 54-56, 6?, 6õ-$7, 73, 76-?7, 81, 85, 106; Speaker, 47, 73-74; Conmfittee on Armed Services, 85, 96; Committee on Appropriations, 14; Cora. mirtee on Military Affairs, 1-2, l?, 43; ?ommit?ee on Naval AlfaMs, 44; Liamon Office, ?3; Report No 973, 66; Resolution $791. 12; Committee of the Whole House on the ?tate of the Union, 65 Howell, Clark, 7 Howell Commisslor?, 7 Hughes, Charles E,, 3 ! Independent air force, 3-4, 7-9, 12, 34-35, 55, 81 ?ron Curtain, V9, 105, 107 J JAG, USAP. See A?r Judge Advocate General. Johnson. LOUIS A., 63, 106 Johnson, ?e? Edwin C., ?6 Joint ?cr?t ?mmi?ion (JAC), 23 Joint Army and Na? Board, 4 128 THIS PAGE Declassified lAW EO12958