Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/4

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 Foreword ?he purpose of ?his study is to give an over-all picture of the part played by congressional legislation in the development of the Air Force in the penocl 1941-1951. Several ? histoff* eal studies dealing with special phases of Air Force legisla- tion enacted between 194! and 1945 h?ve been written. Tn this study it is intended to integrate these into a general examina- tion of all congressional legislation pertaining to the Air Force in that period and to continue the coverage to include the years 1946-1951. The broad scope of the subject, which deals with a wide range of leg?lation and related activities, has made it neces* sary to limit the study, in most cases, to legislation which was actually enacted into law and to confine the narrative bo only the more important Air Force legislation. Legislation relating only indirectly to the AAF and the USAF is, of course, not given as much attention as that dealing specifically with the air arm. Because of the important roles played by the Army and Air Force staff organizatmns in evaluating and ?raming legisla- tion for the A?r Force and in maintaining liaison between Con- grass and the Air Force, accounts of these staffs are necessarily an integral part of a study of this nature and considerable at- tention is devoted to them. This study was written by Dr. Edwin L. Williams, Jr. of the USAF Historical Division, Research Studies Institute, Air Uni- versity, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Like other Historical Division studies, this history is subject to revision, and additional information or suggested corrections will be welcomed. THIS PAGE Declassified lAW EO12958