Page:Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics etc (1908).djvu/302

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COMPLETE LIST OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1322 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.; ARRANGED BY AU- THORS; INCLUDING ALSO A FEW IMPORTA- TIONS. NOVEMBER, 1907 Note: The following numbers, 345, 356, 325, 226, 317, , 363, 318, 339, and 214 are imported publications, to which the "importation" discount will apply. "Trade" rates on request. ABBOTT, DAVID P. . BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE MEDIUMS. David P. Abbott. 328 pp. Cloth, $1.50 net, postpaid. ANDREWS, W. S. . MAGIC SQUARES AND CUBES. W. S. Andrews. With chap- ters by Paul Carus, L. S. Frierson and C. A. Browne, Jr., and introduction by Paul Carus. Price, $1.00 net. (53. net.) ANESAKI, M. . BUDDHIST AND CHRISTIAN GOSPELS, Being Gospel Paral- lels from Pali Texts. Now first compared from the originals by Albert J. Edmunds. Edited with parallels and notes from the Chinese Buddhist Triptaka by M. Anesaki $1.50 net. ASHCROFT, EDGAR A. . THE WORLD'S DESIRES or The Results of Monism, an ele- mentary treatise on a realistic religion and philosophy of human life, by Edgar A. Ashcroft. 1905. Cloth, gilt top, $1.00 net. BARCK, CARL. - THE HISTORY OF SPECTACLES. Carl Barck, A. M., M. D. Profusely illustrated. Price, 15 cents net. BAYNE, JULIA TAFT. . HADLEY BALLADS. Julia Toft Bayne. 750 net. BERKELEY. GEORGE. . A TREATISE CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. George Berkelty. Cloth, 6oc net. (3*. net.) . THREE DIALOGUES BETWEEN HYLAS AND PHILONOUS. George Berkeley. Cloth, 6oc net. (39. net.) BINET, ALFRED. aoi. THE PSYCHIC LIFE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS. Alfred Bin*. C. (33. 6d.) 370. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF REASONING. Alfred Binet. Transl by Adam Cowans Whyte. 750 net. (31. 6d.) 396. ON DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS. Alfred Binet. Cloth, soc net (.2s. 6d. net.) BLOOMFIELD. MAURICE, . CERBERUS, THE DOG OF HADES. The History of an Idea. Prof. M. Bloomfield. Boards, $oc net. (as. 6d. net.) SZTSend for Complete Illustrated Catalozue.TKl