Page:Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics etc (1908).djvu/309

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TITLE LIST MACH, ERNST. . THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS, A Critical and Historical Ac- count of its Development. Prof. Ernst Mach. Transl. by 7". /. McCormack. Illustrated. $2.00 net. (93. 6d. net.) . POPULAR SCIENTIFIC LECTURES. Professor Ernst Mach. Transl. by T. J. McCormack. Illust $1.50 net (78. 6d. net.) 250. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ANALYSIS OF THE SENSA- TIONS. Prof. Ernst Mach. Transl. by C. M. Williams. $1.25 net. (6s. 6d.) . SPACE AND GEOMETRY IN THE LIGHT OF PHYSIOLOG- . ICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND PHYSICAL INQUIRY. Ernst Mach. Tr. from the German by T. J. McCormack. 1906. Cloth, gilt top, $1.00 net. (53. net.) MILLS, LAWRENCE H. . ZARATHUSHTRIAN GATHAS, in Meter and Rhythm. Prof. Lawrence H. Mills. Cloth, $2.00. . ZARATHUSHTRA, PHILO, THE ACHAEMENIDS AND IS- RAEL. A Treatise upon the Antiquity and Influence of the Avesta. Lawrence H. MUls. 1906. Cloth, gilt top, $4.00 net. MUELLER, F. MAX. . THREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF THOUGHT. F. Max Muller. With a correspondence on THOUGHT WITHOUT WORDS between F. Max Muller and Francis Gallon, the Duke of Argyll, G. J. Romanes and Others. Cloth, 75c. (3S. 6d.) . THREE LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. With a supplement, MY PREDECESSORS. F. Max Muller. Cloth, 7SC. (38. 6d.) NAEGELI, CARL VON. . A MECHANICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL THEORY OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION. Carl von Nageli. Cloth, 500 net. (*s. 6d. net) NOIRE, LUDWIG. . ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE, and THE LOGOS THE- ORY. Ludwig Noiri. Cloth, 500 net. (as. 6d. net.) OLDENBERG, PROF. H. . ANCfENT INDIA, Its Language and Religions. Prof. H. Olden- berg. Cloth, soc net. (as. 6d.) POWELL, ELMER ELLSWORTH. . SPINOZA AND RELIGION. A Study of Spinoza's Metaphys- ics and of his particular utterances in regard to religion. Elmer Ellsworth Powell. 1906. $1.50 net. (73. 6d.) POWELL, J. W. . TRUTH AND ERROR, or the Science of Intellection. /. W. Powell. $1.75. (73. 6d.) . JOHN WESLEY POWELL: A Memorial to an American Ex- plorer and Scholar. Mrs. M. D. Lincoln, G. K. Gilbert, M. Baker and Paul Carus. Edited by G. K. Gilbert. Paper, soc net RADAU, DR. HUGO. Z94. THE CREATION STORY OF GENESIS I. A Sumerian Theog- ony and Cosmogony. H. Radau. Bds., 750 net. (35. 6d. net.) KTSend for Complete Illustrated Catalogue.-^,