Page:Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics etc (1908).djvu/315

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14 TITLE LIST . THE PSYCHOLOGY OF REASONING, Based on Experimental Researches in Hypnotism. Alfred Transl. by Adam Cowans Whyte. 250, mailed 310. (is. 6d.) . A TREATISE CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. George Berkeley. 250, mailed 310. (is. 6d.) - THREE DIALOGUES BETWEEN HYLAS AND PHILONOUS. George Berkeley. 250, mailed 300. (is. 6d.) . PUBLIC WORSHIP, A STUDY IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION. John P. Hylan. 250, mailed 290. (is. 6d.) . THE MEDITATIONS AND SELECTIONS FROM THE PRIN- CIPLES of Rene Descartes. Transl. by Prof. John Veitch. 35c, mailed 420. (25.) sa. LEIBNIZ: DISCOURSE ON METAPHYSICS, CORRESPOND- ENCE WITH ARNAULD and MONADOLOGY, with an In- troduction by Paul Janet. Transl. by Dr. G. R. Montgomery. oc, mailed $8c. (23. 6d.) . KANT'S PROLEGOMENA to any Future Metaphysics. Edited by Dr. Paul Carus. soc, mailed sgc. (23. 6d.)


DIX ON BEHALF OF THE FOOL, by Gaunilon; and CUR DEUS HOMO. Tr. by S. N. Deane. soc, mailed 6oc, (23. 6d.) S3. THE CANON OF REASON AND VIRTUE (LAO-TZE'S TAO TM KING). Translated from the Chinese by Paul Carus. 250, mailed 280. (is. 6d.) . ANTS AND SOME OTHER INSECTS, an Inquiry into the Psychic Powers of these Animals, with an Appendix on the Peculiarities of Their Olfactory Sense. Dr. August For el. Transl. by Prof. W. M. Wheeler, soc, mailed 530. (23. 6d.) . THE METAPHYSICAL SYSTEM OF HOBBES, as contained in twelve chapters from his "Elements of Philosophy Concern- ing Body," and in briefer Extracts from his "Human Nature" and "Leviathan," selected by Mary Whiton Calkins. 400, mailed 470. (23.) . LOCKE'S ESSAYS CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTAND- ING. Books II and IV (with omissions). Selected by Mary Whiton Calkins, soc, mailed 6oc. (23. 6d.) . THE PRINCIPLES OF DESCARTES' PHILOSOPHY. Bene- dictus de Spinoza. Introduction by Halbert Mains Britan, Ph. D. Paper, 350 net, mailed 420. . THE VOCATION OF MAN. Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Tr. by William Smith, with biographical introduction by E. Ritchie, 1906. 250, mailed 310. (is. 6d.) . ARISTOTLE ON HIS PREDECESSORS. Being the first book of his metaphysics. Tr. with introduction and notes by A. E. Taylor. 350, postpaid. (2.) THE QPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY

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