Page:Lenin - The Land Revolution in Russia - ed. Philip Snowden (1919).pdf/20

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Art. 10. The lands which are held in reserve are vested, in each Republic, in the Land Departments of the main or Federal Soviets.

Art. 11. Over and above the equitable distribution of agricultural land among the labouring population and the most productive possible exploitation of natural riches, the land administration of the Land Departments of the local and central Soviet authority aims at the following objects:—

(a) To bring about such conditions as would favour the growth of the productive forces of the country, such as an increase of the fertility of the soil, the improvement of the technical methods of agriculture, and the increase of agricultural knowledge among the labouring masses of the agricultural population.

(b) To form a reserve stock of lands having agricultural value.

(c) To develop such kindred industries as horticulture, apiculture, vegetable gardening, cattle-breeding, dairy farming, etc.

(d) To accelerate the passage from inadequate to more productive systems of land-tillage in the different zones by an even distribution of working farmers.

(e) To foster collective farming as the more advantageous system in point of labour-saving and productivity, at the expense of individual farming, with a view to transition to Socialist agriculture.

Art. 12. The distribution of land among the labouring population shall be carried out on the principle of equalised labour in such a wise that the combined normal unit of food and labour, adapted to the historical system of land-tenure prevalent in each locality, does not exceed the labour capacity of each farming household and yet enables each family to live in adequate sufficiency.

Art. 13. Personal labour constitutes the general and fundamental basis of the right to use land of agricultural value. In addition, the organs of Soviet authority have the right, with a view to the improvement of agriculture by the organisation of model farms or experimental and index stations, to borrow limited plots from the reserve stock (former monastic, State, Imperial family, Tsar's personal and private owners' lands) and to work them by State-paid labour, such labour to be subject to workers' control according to general rule.

Art. 14. All citizens engaged in agriculture shall be insured at the expense of the State against death, old age, sickness and accidents impairing their capacity for work.