Page:Leo Tolstoi - Life Is Worth Living and Other Stories - tr. Adolphus Norraikow (1892).djvu/34

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Life is Worth Living.

The stranger took the seat indicated on the bench.

"Well," at last asked Simeon of his wife, "have you prepared anything to eat?"

At this question Matreona became very angry.

"Yes," she replied, "I prepared supper; but not for you. I see that yow have been drinking away your senses. You went to purchase a fur coat, and you return without even your kaftan. Instead, you have brought home with you a naked tramp. No; I have no supper for drunkards."

"Enough, Matreona," said Simeon; "you chatter without sense. Before you heap such abuse upon us would it not be better to ask who the stranger is that I have brought with me?"

The now thoroughly irate woman said, in angry tones: "You must tell me what you did with the money!"

For reply, Simeon put his hand in the pocket of his kaftan and drew forth a bill, which he showed to her, saying: "Here is some money;