Page:Leo Tolstoy - The Russian Revolution (1907).djvu/88

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about in the towns, but you, the great, real, hundred-million agricultural people?

The old Government of the Tsar says to you: "Do not listen to the rebels; they promise much, and will deceive you. Remain true to me, and I will satisfy all your wants."

The rebels say: "Do not believe the Tsar's Government, which has always tormented you, and will continue to do so. Join us help us—and we will arrange for you a Government like that of the freest countries. Then you will choose your own rulers, and will govern yourselves, and right all your wrongs."

What are you to do?

Support the old Government? But, as you know, the old Government has long promised to lighten your burdens, but instead of lightening them, it has only increased your greatest evils: lack of land, taxes and conscription.

Join the rebels? They promise to arrange for you an elected Government such as exists in the freest countries. But wherever such elected Governments exist, in the countries that have most freedom, in the French and American Republics for instance, just as among ourselves, the chief ills of the people are not remedied: as among us, or to an even greater degree, the land is in the hands of the rich; just as among us the people are laden with taxes and customs-duties without being asked, and as among us, armies are maintained and wars declared when those in power desire it, without the people being consulted. Moreover, our new Government is not yet established, and we do not know what it will be like.

Not only is it not to your advantage to join either Government, but you cannot do it conscientiously before God. To defend the old Government means to do what was done recently in Odessa, Sevastopol, Kief, Riga, the Caucasus, and Moscow, i.e. to capture, kill, hang, burn alive, execute, and shoot in the streets, killing children and women. But to join the Revolutionists means to do the same: to kill people, throw bombs, burn, rob, fight with soldiers, execute and hang.