Page:Leskov - The Sentry and other Stories.djvu/103

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The Lady Macbeth of the Mzinsk District

When Katerina Lvovna returned to the room Zinovey Borisych was kneeling on the bed, hanging his silver watch and beadwork chain on the wall at the head of the bed.

"Katerina Lvovna, why have you made the bed for two when you were alone?" He asked his wife suddenly as if surprised.

"I was always expecting you," Katerina Lvovna answered calmly, looking at him.

"Even for that we must thank you humbly. But how did this thing happen to be lying on the feather-bed?"

Zinovey Borisych lifted Sergei's narrow woollen girdle from the sheet and held it up by the end before his wife's eyes.

Katerina Lvovna answered without hesitation:

"I found it in the garden, and tied my petticoat up with it."

"Yes!" said Zinovey Borisych with special emphasis, "we have also heard something about your petticoats."

"What have you heard about them?"

"About all the fine things you have done."

"I have done no fine things."

"Well, we shall soon find that out; we shall find out everything," answered Zinovey Borisych, pushing his empty cup towards his wife.

Katerina Lvovna remained silent.