Page:Leskov - The Sentry and other Stories.djvu/142

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The Lady Macbeth of the Mzinsk District

being caught, had somehow become much more tame.

"Do you see that," said Fiona to Katerina Lvovna, "you cried about me. Now what have I done to you? I had my chance, but it's over. You'd better look to Sonetka."

"All my pride has deserted me, I must certainly be reconciled now," Katerina Lvovna decided, only thinking what would be the best way to set about the reconciliation.

Sergei himself helped her out of this difficult position.

"Lvovna," he called to her during the rest, "come to me for a minute this night; I have some business for you."

Katerina Lvovna was silent.

"What, are you still cross? Won't you come?"

Katerina Lvovna again made no answer.

However, Sergei and all the others who watched Katerina Lvovna saw that when they were approaching the halting-place she kept getting nearer to the guard, and shoved into his hand seventeen copecks, some alms she had received from the communes.

"As soon as I collect them I will give you ten copecks more," begged Katerina Lvovna.

The guard hid the money in his cuff and said:

"All right."