Page:Leskov - The Sentry and other Stories.djvu/316

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I FELL upon the bear's ham and began gnawing and sucking the raw flesh, trying to appease my torturing hunger, and at the same time looked at my deliverer.

What had he on his head that looked the whole time like a wonderful sparkling ornament—I was unable to make out what it was and asked him.

"What have you on your head?"

"That is because you did not give me any money," he answered.

I must admit I did not quite understand what he wanted to say, but continuing to look at him more attentively I discovered that his high diamond head gear was nothing more nor less than his own long hair. His hair was filled through and through with snowflakes, and had been blown about while he ran so that it had streamed out on all sides like wisps and become frozen.

"Where is your fur cap?"

"Thrown it away."


"Because you gave me no money."