Page:Lesser Eastern Churches.djvu/455

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FIG. 1 6. — -PLAN OF THE PATRIARCHAL CHURCH AT ETSHMIADZIN. A, Main altar outside the Ikonostasion (where Christ struck the ground); B, Altar in the sanctuary; C, C, Side altars; D, Porch.

with pictures; but in the middle (where the royal doors would be) stands the altar. On either side of the altar is a small door leading to a space behind, used as a sacristy. In front of the altar is a low Communion rail, then the choir, another low rail, the men's part, and the women's part at the back. Larger churches have a narthex.[1] The baptistery with the font generally forms a chapel on the south side. The altar looks like a very bad Latin altar. It has a retable of three, four, or even five degrees, like steps, behind. In the middle above stands a cross (often in front of a picture). The mensa of the altar is a narrow shelf. All is covered with gaudy cloths and white altar-cloths with lace. Then they pile on their altar and retable a very curious collection of objects. There are many candles, books showing their ornamental bind-

  1. Neale (Hist. of the Holy Eastern Church, Part i. Book ii. chap. 8), gives an account of "Armenian ecclesiology," not very accurate.