Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/38

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"Indiana will never want for brave sons to go forth and fight her battles and face danger to preserve her fair name, so long as they can be assured that if they are unfortunate they will not be neglected and forgotten.

"Ever since the war began Drs. Kitchen and Jameson have been untiring in their efforts in this department, and many a soldier will attest their vigilance and their care.

"The thanks of all are due them for their efforts, and the gratitude of those to whom they have ministered will give the best assurance of the fidelity with which they have discharged their duties.

"The Committee feel it their duty in this connection, to mention the Sisters of Providence, who, with busy hands and willing hearts, are vigilant and untiring in their ministrations to the wants and necessities of the unfortunate soldiers.