Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/43

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There are ten women employed in the hospital, some of them of several years' experience as cooks and attendants, besides the Sisters of Providence who superintend and direct all the domestic arrangements, and give comfort and cheer to the sick in a thousand kind attentions.

"Dr. Kitchen, Surgeon-in-chief of the Hospital, Drs. Wishard and Merryman, the house physicians, and Wm. F. McAllister, Hospital steward, with the Sisters of Providence in attendance, were highly complimented by the Board of Medical Inspectors on the occasion of their recent visit from Washington for the excellent manner in which the institution is conducted.

"The regulations governing the Hospital are similar to those in all well-regulated institutions of this kind. No patient, nurse, or attendant is allowed to leave the Hospital without permission