Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/46

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dition, receive constant and tender care from the nurses, and medical attention from the physician every day. All of them, without some accident, will get well. Many of them are now able to sit up and go out of doors. There are but few serious cases of wounds or sickness among them. Their names and description of their wounds or diseases will be found in another paragraph.

"The Hospital is in fine condition. Every part is as clean as a well-kept parlor. We went through all the wards and nowhere did we observe the indication of the least neglect. The floors are washed every morning, the bedding and clothing at least once a week. The new building has just been re-whitewashed, and though it contains the worst cases, it is as cleanly kept as the main building. It requires extra effort to keep this new building in good order. It was built by