Page:Lest We Forget The Sisters of Providence in Civil War Service.djvu/75

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And the answer came, we would build it
Out of our hopes made sure,
And out of our purest prayers and tears,
And out of our faith secure.

And see that ye build it stately,
In pillar and niche and gate,
And high in pose as the souls of those
It would commemorate.

Sister Athanasius did not live until the monument was completed. She passed to her eternal reward on April 11, 1900. The monument was not dedicated until May 15, 1902.

We borrow from the Indiana Centennial volume, its fine description of the magnificent Soldiers' Monument:

"Indianapolis has the proud distinction of containing the first monument ever erected in honor of the private soldier. It is also one of the few real works of art in this line to be found in America. It