Page:Letter from L. J. Papineau and J. Neilson, Esqs., Addressed to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State on the Subject of the Proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada.djvu/54

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of the Church of Rome, not be be affected.

XXV. And whereas by the said Act of the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain, made and passed in the fourteenth year aforesaid, intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec in North America," it was, amongst other things, declared, That His Majesty's subjects, professing the religion of the church of Rome, of and in the said Province of Quebec, might have, hold and enjoy the free exercise of the said religion, subject to the King's supremacy as in the said Act mentioned, and that the clergy of the said church might hold, receive and enjoy their accustomed dues and rights with respect to such persons only as should profess the said religion; Be it therefore further Enacted and Declared, that nothing in this Act contained, nor any Act to be passed by the said joint Legislature, nor any resolution or other proceeding of the said Legislative Council or Assembly, shall in anywise affect or be construed to affect the free exercise of the religion of the Church of Rome by His Majesty's subjects professing the same, within either of the said