Page:Letter from L. J. Papineau and J. Neilson, Esqs., Addressed to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State on the Subject of the Proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada.djvu/68

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powers sufficient to remedy abuses, redress injuries, allay discontents, and provide for the general welfare of the Province.

Not only do the reasons which occasioned the passing of the said Act still exist in full force, but they have even gained additional strength from the happy experience thereof, acquired by the inhabitants of the Province, and from their regarding the same, with reason, as the unchangeable foundation of their laws, their institutions, and most dearly-cherished rights.

Were the proposed alterations adopted by Parliament, the result would be that two Provinces having laws, civil and religious institutions, and usages essentially different, would be subjected to one and the same Legislature, whose decisions would alternately endanger the laws and institutions of either Province. That there would thence result well-founded apprehensions respecting the stability of those laws and institutions, fatal doubts of the future lot of these Colonies, and a relaxation of the energy and confidence of the people, and of the bonds which so strongly attach them to the Mother Country.

In fine, a sense of imperious duty must lead us humbly to represent to your Majesty, that were this measure to take place, it would tend to weaken that deep feeling of interest which so powerfully enforces that of gratitude and fidelity with which the people of this Province are impressed towards your Majesty's Government and sacred person.

Wherefore, we your Majesty's faithful and loyal subjects the Assembly of the Province of Lower Canada, most humbly entreat your Majesty, to receive with favour this humble expression of our sentiments, and to be pleased to avert from this Province a measure which has excited among us such strong alarm, and which appears to us adverse to the inseparable interests of your Majesty's Government, and of the people of this Province.

And on the question being put upon each paragraph, they were agreed to with the following division:

Yeas 31 Nays 3.

Appendix B