Page:Letter on corpulence.pdf/27

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Go up stairs and take ordinary exercise

freely, without the slightest

Can perform every necessary office for myself.
The umbilical rupture is greatly ameliorated, and gives me no anxiety.
My sight is restored—my hearing improved.
My other bodily ailments are ameliorated;

indeed, almost past into matter of


I have placed a thank-offering of £50 in the hands of my kind medical adviser for distribution amongst his favourite hospitals, after gladly paying his usual fees, and still remain under overwhelming obligations for his care and attention, which I can never hope to repay. Most thankful to Almighty Providence for mercies received, and determined to press the case into public notice as a token of gratitude.

I have the pleasure to afford, in conclusion, a satisfactory confirmation of my report, in stating that a corpulent friend of mine, who, like myself, is possessed of a generally sound constitution, was labouring under frequent