Page:Letters, sentences and maxims.djvu/329

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for, with all these inundations, it has not been cold. God bless you! [Aug. 1, 1766.] The Last Greeting.—Poor Harte is in a miserable condition, is paralyzed in his left side, and can hardly speak intelligibly. I was with him yesterday. He inquired after you with great affection, and was in the utmost concern when I showed him your letter. My own health is, as it has been ever since I was here last year. I am neither well nor ill, but unwell. I have, in a manner, lost the use of my legs; for though I can make a shift to crawl upon even ground for a quarter of an hour, I cannot go up or down stairs, unless supported by a servant. God bless and grant you a speedy recovery! [Oct. 17, 1768.] Here end the letters to Mr. Stanhope, as he died the 16th of November following. To Mrs. Stanhope, then at Paris.

Madam:—A troublesome and painful inflammation in my eyes obliges me to use another hand than my own to acknowledge the receipt of your letter from Avignon, of the 27th past.

I am extremely surprised that Mrs. du Bouchet should have any objection to the manner in which