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ſidency of Fort-William in Bengal, ſo long as the ſaid Company ſhall remain in the Poſſeſſion of the Territorial Acquiſitions, therein before-mentioned, do and muſt require: It is among other Things Enacted, that it ſhall and may be lawful, for Us, by Charter or Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Great-Britain, to erect and eſtabliſh a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-Williamin Bengal aforeſaid, to conſiſt of a Chief Juftice, and Three other Judges, being Barriſters of England, or Ireland, of not leſs than Five Years ftanding, with Power to exerciſe and perform all Civil, Criminal, Admiralty, and Eccleſiaſtical Juriſdiction, and to appoint ſuch Clerks, and other Miniſterial Officers of the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, with ſuch reaſonable Salaries as ſhall be approved of by the Governor and Council, therein for that Purpoſe mentioned: And it was therein further Enacted, that fo much of the ſaid Charter, granted by His ſaid late Majeſty, Our Royal Grandfather, as reſpects or relates to the Eſtabliſhment of the Mayor's Court at Calcutta aforeſaid, in Bengal, or to the Civil, Criminal, or Eccleſiaſtical Juriſdiction thereof, in the faid United Company's Settlement there, or the Subordinates thereto belonging, in care a New Charter ſhall be granted by Us, in purſuance of this Ad, and ſhall be openly publiſhed, at Fort William aforeſaid, from and immediately after ſuch Publication ſhall ceafe, determine, and be utterly void, to all intents and Purpofes: And it was further Enacted, that during ſuch Time as the ſaid Territorial Acquiſitions ſhall remain in the Poſſeſſion of the ſaid Company, the Court of Directors of the ſaid United Company ſhall, and they are hereby required to direct, and cauſe to be paid certain and eſtabliſhed Salaries, to the ſaid Chief Juſtice, and each of the Judges of ſuch Supreme Court of Judicacure, at Fort-William in Bengal, as ſhall be by the ſaid New Charter eſtabliſhed, that is to ſay, to the Chief Juſtice Eight Thouſand Pounds by the Year, and to each of the Judges of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, Six Thouſand Pounds by the Year, and that ſuch Salaries ſhall be paid and payable to each and every of them reſpectively, for the Time being, out of the ſaid Territorial Acquſſitions,in