Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/16

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Any Perſon or perſons whomſoever, by what Ways and Means ſoever the ſame may have come to his, her, or their Poſſeſſion.

All Writs, &c iſſued by the Court, to be in the King's Name. And We do hereby further grant, ordain and appoint, that all Writs, Summons, Precepts, Rules, Orders, and other Mandatory Proceſs, to be uſed, iſſued, or awarded, by the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall run, and be in the Name and Stile of Us, or of Our Heirs and Succeſſors, and ſhall be ſealed with the Seal of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, and shall have and bear the Atteſtation of the Chief Juſtice, or, in the Vacancy of the ſaid Office, of the Senior of the Three Puiſne Juſtices, and ſhall be ſigned by the proper Officer, whoſe Duty it ſhall be, according to the Arrangement hereinafter provided, to prepare and make out ſuch Proceſs.

Chief Juſtices and Puſine Juſtices Salairies. And We do further grant, ordain, appoint and declare, that the ſaid Chief Juſtice, and the ſaid Puiſne Juſtices, ſhall and may, and ſo long as they hold the ſaid Offices reſpectively, ſhall be entitled to have and receive reſpectively, the Salaries, in and by the ſaid recited Act of Parliament, provided for that Purpoſe, that is to ſay, the Chief Juſtice Eight Thouſand Pounds by the Year, and the Three Puiſine Juſtices Six Thouſand Pounds by the Year, each of them to be paid and payable, in Manner and Form as is therein ſpecified and directed:Their Rank.And We do hereby give and grant, to Our ſaid Chief Juſtice, Rank and Precedence, above and before all Our Subjects whomſoever, within the Provinces of Bengal, Baber, and Oriſſa, excepting the Governor General, for the Time being, of the Preſidency of Fort-William in Bengal, and excepting all ſuch Perfons as by Law and Uſage take place in England, before Our Chief Juſtice of Our Court of King's-Bench: And We do hereby alſo give and grant, to each of Our ſaid Puiſne Juſtices reſpectively, according to their reſpective Priority of Nomination, Rank and Precedence, above and before all Our Subjects whomſoever, within the ſaid Provinces of Bengal, Babar, andOriſſa,