Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/34

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ſaid Town of Calcutta, and for that Purpoſe to iſſue a Summons, or Precept, prepared in ſuch Manner as is before-mentioned, and directed to the ſaid Sheriff, commanding him to ſummon a convenient Number,Sheriff to fummon Petit Juries. to be therein ſpecified, of ſuch Britiſh Subjects as aforeſaid, to be and appear, at a Time and Place therein to be ſpecified, try the ſaid Indictment or Inqueſt; Puniſhment for Non-Attendance of Juries.and if any ſuch Grand or Petit Jury, ſo ſummoned as aforeſaid, ſhall refuſe or neglect to attend, according to ſuch Summons, and be ſworn upon Inqueſt, We do hereby further empower the ſaid Supreme.Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to puniſh the ſaid Contempt, by Fine or Impriſonment, or both:Witneſſes to be ſummoned and ſworn. And We do further empower the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, in like Manner; and under the like Penalties, to cauſe all ſuch Witneſſes, as Juſtice ſhall require to be ſummoned, and to adminiſter to them, and each of them, the proper Oaths, that is to ſay, an Oath upon the Holy Evangeliſts of God, to ſuch as profeſs the Chriſtian Religion; and to others, ſuch Oaths, and in ſuch Manner, as the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall eſteem to- be moſt binding upon their Conſciences;and to proceed to hear;examine, try and determine, the ſaid Indictments and Offences, and to give Judgment thereupon, and award Execution thereof;Criminal Juſtice to be adminiſtered, as in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, in Great-Britain.and in all-Reſpects to adminiſter Criminal Juſtice, in ſuch or the like Manner and Form, or as nearly as the Condition and Circumſtance of the Place, and the Perſons will admit of, as Our Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery, do or may; in-that Part of Great-Britain, called England: And We do further authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-Wiliam in Bengal, in like Manner, to-enquire, hear and determine, and to award Judgment and. Execution of, upon and againſt- all Treaſons, Murders, Felonies, Forgeries, Perjuries, Treſpaſſes, Crimes, Miſdemeanors and Oppreſſions, had, done or committed, or which ſhall hereafter be had, done-or committed, in the Diſtricts, Provinces or Countries, called Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, by any of: the Subjects of Us, Our Heirs or Succeſſors, or any other Perſon or Perſons,who