Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/36

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Court of Requeſts and Quarter-Seſſions, eſtabliſhed by the late Charter, and Juſtices, Sheriffs and other Magiſtrates, to be ſubject to the Order and Control of the Supreme Court, as the lower Courts of Great-Britain are to the Court of King's-Bench and iſſue Writs of Mandamus certiorari, &c. and punish Contempt, by Fine and Imprisonment{{smallcaps|And to the end that the ſaid Court of Requeſts, and the ſaid Court of Quarter-Seſſions, erected and eſtabliſhed at Fort-William in Bengal, by the ſaid Charter of Our ſaid Royal Grandfather, made in the Twenty-ſixth Year of his Reign, and the Juſtices, Sheriffs and other Magiſtrates, thereby appointed for the ſaid Diſtricts, may better anſwer the Ends of their reſpective inſtitutions, and act more conformably to Law and Juſtice, it is-Our further Will and Pleaſure, and We do hereby further grant, ordain and eſtabliſh, that all and every the ſaid Courts and Magiftrates ſhall be ſubject to the Order and Control of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal in ſuch Sort, Manner and Form, as the inferior Courts and Magiſtrates of and in that Part of Great-Britain, called England, are, by Law, ſubject to the Order and Control of Our Court of King's-Bench; to which End, the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, is hereby empowered and authorized to award and iſſue a Writ or Writs of Mandamus certiorari procedendo, or Error, to be prepared in Manner above-mentioned, and directed to ſuch Courts, or Miagiſtrates, as the Caſe may require, and to puniſh any Contempt of a wilful Diſobedience thereunto, by Fine and Impriſonment.

Supreme Court to exerciſe Eccleſiaſtical Juriſdiction, in Bengal, Bahar and Oriſſa, on Britiſh Subjects, as is exerciſed in the Dioceſe of London.And it is Our further Will and Pleaſure, and We do hereby grant, ordain, eſtabliſh and appoint, that the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-Wiliam in Bengal, ſhall be a Court of Eccleſiaſtical Juriſdiction, and ſhall have ſull Power and Authority to adminiſter and execute, within and throughout the ſaid Provinces, Diſtricts or Countries, called Bengal, Baber, and Oriſſa, and towards and upon our Britiſh Subjects there reſiding, the Eccleſiaſtical Law, as the ſame is now uſed and exerciſed in the Dioceſe of London, in Great-Britain, ſo far as the Circumſtances and Occaſions of the ſaid Provinces and People ſhall admit, or require: Power to proceed in all Cauſes, Suits, &c. againſt Britiſh Subjects of Eccleſiaitical Cognizance:And to that Purpoſe, We give and grant to the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, full Power and Authority to take Cognizance of, and proceed in all Cauſes, Suits and Buſineſs, belonging and appertaining to the Eccleſiaſtical Court, before the ſaid Supreme Court ofJudicature,